Thursday, December 14, 2006

Blogrolling 2006-12-14

Items of interest from the blogroll.

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  1. The Knucklehead of the Day award...

    Today's winner is Allan Schultz....

  2. Florida the rules are different here Chapter LXVIII...

    The city of Deerfield Beach has the case of the mysterious nativity.

    Firefighters and fire station mechanics saw two men in an unmarked van pull up to the fire station at Hillsboro Boulevard and Federal Highway this week, set up a small Nativi.....

  3. How to handicap races at Freehold Raceway...

    I wonder how a report on those trips would be received today in a Florida school. Using this as an example, my parents may well have been accused of child neglect.

    Either that or Mrs Menke would have given me a D in 7th grade English....

  4. [...] Oh, and if this sort of thing offends you by cruelly pointing out the connection between being female and motherhood, perhaps you’d prefer this. Hat tip, Basil. I doubt many will, but you may, and clearly some do. [...]

  5. Karzai: Courage in the Middle East...

    In tiny VIDEO clips, Karzai explains what REALLY happened to bring U.S. troops to the call of Liberation in Afghanistan. This shifts awareness of what we truly have at stake....


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