Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Blogrolling 2006-12-05

Items of interest from the blogroll.

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  1. The Knucklehead of the Day award...

    Today's winner is Maria Campo....

  2. [...] Visit the alliance of Christmas bloggers for wonderful inspiration thanks to the Random Yak.. and Basil’s Blog.. which gives the best and better news! Technorati Tags: LifeLife [...]

  3. A House Seat for D.C. - Not gonna happen...

    The D.C. Voting Rights Act is based on the idea that Congress can treat the district as if it were a State. There's plenty of reason to challenge this act should it ever be passed....

  4. Russian security service 'led poison plot'...

    Intelligence services in Britain are convinced that the poisoning of Alexander Litvinenko was authorised by the Russian Federal Security Service....

  5. Worst. Phrases. Ever....

    Here's a brief list of phrases/cliches I hope never to hear again:
    Metrosexual (can someone explain what that really means? Actually, I don't really care......

  6. Frinn the Silly news desk...

    Some news from California. Did Ms. Kearns return the tree because no ball was supplied?...

  7. Shiite Cleric Asks Bush for Tougher Acts...

    Some say back down, while others say bargain. This one says, Strike Harder! (And he lives in Iraq.)...

  8. Thanks for the linky love, Basil! I just wish I had a better post up there for you! :-)


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