Friday, June 3, 2005

Breakfast: 6/3/2005

Try one of these specials with your breakfast:


  1. Footsoldier of Paychecks

    Today's dose of NIF - News, Interesting & Funny

  2. A Little Manly Essay

    Little Manly (aged nine, 3rd grade) was asked to write an essay for the school?s annual Flag Day Essay Contest, and this is what he wrote.

  3. French Court - Le Monde Guilty of Anti-Semitism: Violation of Free Speech or Law Violation Properly Adjudicated?

    On the surface, both of these cases appear to be issues of free speech. But are they?

  4. Linky Link

    Like the crappy USA Today that is dismissively tossed in front of my hotel door every morning, here is my glossed-over roundup of things on other people's blogs this morning: Basil is a fellow southerner but unfortunately he is a...


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