Thursday, June 9, 2005

Breakfast: 6/9/2005

Try one of these specials with your breakfast:


  1. Internet for Military in Iraq

    Until I get time to post more fully, this will have to do for yet another media outrage, and this time it's personal. See bottom of post.

  2. Representative of Elvis Impersonators

    Today's dose of NIF - News, Interesting & Funny ... It's Stop the ACLU Thursday

  3. Representative of Elvis Impersonators

    Today's dose of NIF - News, Interesting & Funny ... It's Stop the ACLU Thursday

  4. Was my comment too upsetting for you, Basil?

    Why do you hate America?

  5. Actually, this may seem cruel, but if you make comments that make you look like an ass, it doesn't upset me. I wonder why you think anyone that disagrees with you must hate America. I hear many (not all) on the left accuse us on the right of that, but I see it in you.

    Have you considered therapy? Here's a good therapist. And here's another.

  6. Deleting an innocuous comment, though. That's sheer America-hating wingnuttery. I suppose it seems AOK for you to swing by my place and defecate over my readers and I and smear me here - but god forbid I leave a comment trying to set the record straight.

  7. Your charge of my deleting a comment are false. You left two comments (three, if you count the one to which I am responding). One on this post, and another on Lunch. No other comments were left by you.

    As for my comments at your place, they are there for all to read and decide if it constitutes actions such as you describe. As for a smear here, I stand by the accuracy of what was said, and provided links to back it up. I was unaware that the truth was a smear. I'll make a note of that.


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