Friday, June 10, 2005

Catfish: Sweep Avoided

Catfish The Catfish avoided the sweep against the Greensboro Grasshoppers (Marlins) tonight, winning 3-1. After allowing a run in the first inning, the pitching staff shut out the Grasshoppers over the next 8-2/3 innings to notch the win.

One of our two players, Dan Batz, didn't play tonight. The other, Lucas May, continues in a slump, going hitless in 5 at-bats.

Tomorrow, the Catfish open a series in Kannapolis against the Intimidators (White Sox).

More good news for the Catfish today, as two players were named to the South Atlantic League All-Star Game. 2B Travis Denker will start for the South, while Blake Johnson will pitch out of the bullpen.


  1. The Grasshoppers is the dumbest baseball team name of all time. And their fake reggae commercials are worse... I liked the old name a lot better. The Bats was at least amusing and punny....

  2. I was surprised when the Bats changed their name because I thought it was a good name. Maybe I'll get used to it. Maybe.

    The Charleston Alley Cats changing to the West Virginia Power struck me as odd, too. At least their name was a sell-out to their new sponsor (the power company).


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