Thursday, June 2, 2005

Supper: 6/2/2005

Try one of these specials with your lunch:


  1. Heh heh. I am The MInd Fuhrer. Thanks for the link, Basil;-)

  2. Chinese spooks: A growing Red menace

    "One good spy is worth 10,000 soldiers." - Sun Tzu, ancient Chinese military strategist

    Sage advice from the great Sun Tzu, who's works I have studied extensively. The Chinese have not ignored the General either, nor this particular piece of advic...

  3. thanks for the link!

    i've been in a bummer mood for the last couple of days, no properly working vehicle and all, but i'm over it. the truck will be fixed, and all will be good again.

    excuse me, but i have funny headlines to spoof to make my fans laugh. they've been patient so far...:)

  4. Hey, hope things get better soon.


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