Thursday, June 9, 2005

Supper: 6/9/2005

Try one of these specials with your supper:


  1. Tiny suggestion... make the V lowercase. It's hard to read since the V and W kind of blend together.

  2. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. Lowercase by itself changed, but didn't seem to improve. Maybe spaces work better. I guess it was silly of me to try to duplicate in text what you did so well in a graphic.

  3. Howard Dean was right

    If you squint just right after drinking heavily, you can see it: "Everybody's favorite White Christian Male"...

  4. Apologies for over-pinging you, Juliette's place took a couple of tries before it trackedback properly.

  5. No apologies necessary. I'll remove the extra if you like.


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