Thursday, July 20, 2006

Picnic 2006-07-20

Today's picnic basket of items from my blogroll.


  1. Spinal stem cell cure crushed by Bush veto...

    Scrappleface reports that the hopes of hundreds of national legislators were cut with the snick, snick of Bush’s cruel veto pen. how could we not save these poor sub-human wretches by making human embryos a commodity? How could we?
    Hat tip, Bas...

  2. Russia moving towards...Putinism?...

    First, there was Leninism. Then, there was Stalinism. And, during both dictatorial regimes, Communism was the main ideology being indoctrinated in the Russian vicinity.

    Now, it looks like Russia may be on its way back to Communism, and, at the sam.....

  3. Going for a ride...

    Virgin on track for passenger space flights

    Is someone going to make a sacrifice up there?...

  4. While Political Critic disagrees, Jo is right that gratitude is an appropriate response, not kvetching...

    I’d say Jo is closer to right on this one (thanks for the hat tip, Basil) than Political Critic seems capable of being lately (maybe it’s the “dissent is the highest form of Patriotism” bragadoccio - the one that would have had...

  5. Hey basil! Thanks for the link... it feels like I've arrived at home now that I got a link from you! ;)

    Yup, I'm back and I even plan to stick around this time, imagine that? hehe

  6. 10 worst and one more...

    jobs in sports according to Josh Robbins of the Orlando Sentinel....


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