Tilly the Teabagger.
Heh. This cartoon before the summit wasn't too far off.
Dan Riehl found two Obama quotes that will come back to haunt him.
The "I Don't Count My Time Because I'm The President" quote was one of them. However, in fairness, he's used that excuse before:
- I don't have to explain because I am the President.
- I get extra cheese because I am the President.
- Droit de deigneur, I am the President.
- We'll order the pizza I want because I am the President.
- I get the toy in the box of Capn Crunch because I am the President.
- I get to sit in the front seat because I am the President.
- I'm blaming you for my farts because I am the President.
- I get to stay up late tonight because I am the President.
- I'm getting a new XBox, because I am the President.
- I get the top bunk because I am the President.
- I get another serving of ice cream because I am the President.
- All the cool kids like me because I am the President.
- I get a new puppy because I am the President.
- I don't have to color inside the lines because I am the President.
- i can haz helthcaer cuz I am the President.
I didn't watch the summit. I'm waiting for the Hitler video. Like this one.
Some want the chicken as the new state bird for Georgia. How about fried chicken?
U.S. soldiers and the Taliban are trash talking during firefights. "You're mama so ugly, when she comes in the room, people yell 'Incoming SCUD!'"
Former GOP mayor goes out on a limb and endorses the only GOP candidate for a state senate seat.
Jack Ryan, running against Obama for Senate, was taken out by a scandal. Paterson stood up to Obama. Now, a scandal. Coincidence?
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