Thursday, April 19, 2007

Blogrolling 2007-04-19

Some items of interest from the blogroll.

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  1. Dumb in Coral Gables...

    Who says people who run universities are smart. Some news from ESPN.

    CORAL GABLES, Fla. -- Miami's baseball team will travel to Virginia Tech this weekend as scheduled, though it'll be with additional security.

    Speaking one day after a ...

  2. Dumb in Coral Gables...

    Today's winner is the Tennessee company, Prison Health Services....

  3. Goodbye Donnie...

    With kick returner Wes Welker and placekicker Olindo Mare departing also, the Dolphins' special teams will be very different in 2007....

  4. Relying on third party services......

    I think it's clear from these numbers that blogging is a high-bandwidth activity. Just imagine visiting a site and waiting nearly ten minutes for it to load! Or even two minutes. Would you even bother waiting that long?...

  5. The Democrat’s New Direction is the best congress money can buy…...

    Don't take my word for it, take ABC Blog's:

    Ruling Congress, Dems Rolling in Special Interest Cash

    The campaign coffers of the new Democratic House committee chairmen have seen a big jump in contributions from lobbyists and special...


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