Friday, April 6, 2007

Headline News 2007-04-06

From ABC News:
FBI Agent May Have Died in Friendly Fire
Congress demands U.S. withdraw from New Jersey

From ABC News:
Rachael Ray Does Prom Dinner at High School Where Eight Died
Promises to refrigerate the mayonnaise this time

From ABC News:
Pet Food Recall Expanded to Include Dry Biscuits
Hardee's breakfast menu impacted

From ABC News:
Man Impersonates Brother to Avoid DWI
Neal Bush arrested

From ABC News:
Girl Had Suspected 'Boyfriend' Was Woman
Thought penis was 'awfully small'

From ABC News:
Man Shot by Pistol Thrown in the Trash
Oscar the Grouch arrested

From ABC News:
Ex-Wife Wins Alimony Despite Sex Change
Now able to screw ex-husband one more way

From ABC News:
'No Weirdness' for China Idol Series
Paula Abdul will not host

From ABC News:
N.M. County Passes Spaceport Tax
Omicron Persei 8 decries

From ABC News:
Halle Berry is set to go bald for new movie
To star in "The Britney Spears Story"


  1. [...] 5. Basil linked me. Woo-hoo! He’s a good man who knew Hinesville when Hinesville wasn’t coo-ool. His take-offs on headlines should be must reading every night. [...]

  2. Heh - I love these! Especially the 'Ex-wife wins alimony' thing ;-)

  3. [...] in The Sacred Beetle, scientists make particularly lousy kings and philosophers. Of course, as Basil points out, politicians are no better or less venal than bad scientists. Maybe it’s that whole original [...]


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