Thursday, May 26, 2005

Headline News: 5/26/2005

From ABC News:
Parental Group Says Hilton Ad Too Hot
They obviously haven't seen what she eats in her earlier video

From ABC News:
Rare Set of Identical Quadruplets Born
Not to be Confused with Common Set of Identical Quadruplets

From ABC News:
ABC plans new 'Nightline' tribute to U.S. war dead
No plans for show about those killed in Newsweek riots

From ABC News:
Bugs in Termite Guts May Offer Future Fuel Source
Termite guts now over $51 a barrel

From CNN:
The scripted series isn't dead
WWE more popular than ever

From CNN:
NASA seeks oxygen source on moon
Lack of air on moon makes finding source difficult

From KGTV:
Fishermen accused of killing protected fish
Defends: "They weren't protected very well, were they?"

From WPLG:
Did racing lead to fatal crash?
Earnhardt fans face the awful truth

From CNN:
Tennessee lawmakers, former senator indicted
Suspects names not mentioned in headlines since they are related to a Democratic congressman

From CNN:
Cox takes step toward challenging Clinton
Rumors are true: Hillary doesn't like Cox

1 comment:

  1. Headline News News

    More fun with fellow bloggers: Headline News: 5/26/2005 From ABC News:Parental Group Says Hilton Ad Too HotThey obviously haven't seen what she eats in her earlier video As for basil, he doesn't eat out much From ABC News:Rare Set of


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