Monday, December 12, 2005

Breakfast 12-12-2005

Try one of these specials with your breakfast:

From the Best of the Top 501 - 1000 Blogs nominees on my blogroll. This is a difficult category, because all those listed here are worthy of your vote:


  1. The Knucklehead of the Day award

    Goes to Michael Crowley.

  2. Christmas Caption Contest

    Charlie Brown Christmas Caption Contest (and Open Links) at Bloggin' Outloud. Plus some required reading at Conservative Cat, NIF, Basil's Blog, Right Wing Nation.

  3. Is the ‘Arab Street’ Wising-Up?

    Let us hope and pray that this part of the world, which is so laced with venomously directed hatreds and bloody strife, will embark on a renaissance of of brotherly love and “peace on earth.”


  4. Iraqi's Look at the Future

    A survey by BBC in Iraq found that people there are generally optimistic about the future.

  5. Thanks for spreading the word about the Doughboy attack. There's now been an arrest made.

  6. Death Watch

    Getting closer….The California Supreme Court …


  7. Australian Race Riots: Reaction to Years of Arab Gang Harassment

    Thousands of Australians, Arabs Attack Each Other
    Australian news media describes the native Australians as "drunken" and "chanting racist slurs" and cites an example of "white youths attacking a man of Arab appearance."

    The feedback from Aus...

  8. Pan-European Arab Muslim Gang Rape Epidemic

    As is the case with young Arab Muslims throughout the West, teenage girls are generally forbidden to go out, leaving separatist gangs of predatory Arab Muslim males with highly misogynist attitudes. Harassment of females has therefore exploded throughout


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