Thursday, December 8, 2005

Lunch 12-08-2005

Try one of these specials with your lunch:


  1. Don't All the Liberals Get Sillier at Closing Time?

    Science finally may have discovered why Liberals are reality-impaired and have no problem insisting that black is white, bad people are good (they're simply misunderstood) and good people are bad (Bush equals Hitler).


  2. Muslim nations urge moderation within Islam

    Leaders and ministers of more than 50 Muslim countries urged their nations to fight terrorism and called for moderation within Islam, as they opened a summit Wednesday in a palace overlooking Islam's holiest shrine. "We do not have the luxury...

  3. Christmas Wars - Christian vs Christian

    In one corner we have those who believe that the culture war has escalated and Christmas is taking a hit. In the other corner, we have those who are concerned that we're creating a controversy where none exists. Let's round up the suspects and duke ...

  4. Very funny

    I'm a great believer in free speech as I believed here. People can have and express their opinions no matter how outrageous some of them are(Of course I can give knucklehead awards to some of the loonier ones). That's what freedom of speech is. Hate ...

  5. More Canada Wackiness

    Prime Minister Paul Martin will propose a ban on most handguns in Canada.

  6. The More Things Change...

    Not only will the police be in a better position to "act on anyone who has a handgun or attempts to transport or sell a handgun," but they'll be in a better position to act on anyone period. No common defense means anyone in power is able to do what...

  7. Power Jammers, Episode I

    The Power Jammers!
    PJM is an elite group of 70 of the universe's most super-duper bloggers, drawn together to bring order to the 00.07% of Internet users who visit the Blogosphere each day.
    Together they fight the villainous MSM and their opposites:...

  8. The Hypocrisy of Harvard

    THE hypocrisy of the nation's most powerful colleges and universities was shown this week in the U.S. Supreme Court. The colleges want to shield their law students from military recruiters while still receiving federal money, including Pentagon resear...

  9. Announcing the Finalists for 2005's Terrorist of the Year Award

    In no particular order ...... The Islamokazis who kidnapped some peace creeps are forcing them at gunpoint to call for Bush to end the war .... A truck filled with masked militants and homemade weapons exploded at a Hamas rally .....

  10. Girlie Men Challenge A Girl

    The big brave students at UConn shouted down a girl commentator during a speech last night. Somewhere John Belushi is shaking his fists in anger. Legend has it that during the 1968 DNC, he took on half the Chicago Police Department. Under the real Mayo...

  11. Generous Bloggers

    Basil's Blog is linking to posts by the finalists in the weblog awards, and Joust the Facts just endorsed me. For their generosity, go vote for them


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