Thursday, December 1, 2005

Lunch 12-01-2005

Try one of these specials with your lunch:


  1. But What About Chickenhawk Hillary?

    Liberals, by your very own argument you have just shut off any hopes for the presidential candidacy of Commander-in-Chief Hillary. The inept Republicans ought to be all over this!


  2. Fetus Not Person

    Only politicians in the legislature could concoct such a convoluted concept of who is and is not a person

  3. Kansas News, National Spotlight

    Just because we're in Kansas doesn't mean we don't make hay. Here are some nationally known stories originating locally. Think local, act national . . . or something like that. Heh.

  4. John Bolton is Further Confirmation of Bush as the Best Appointer in History

    John Bolton is on fire at the UN. The "controversial" Bush appointee recently pushed through the first-ever condemnation of Hizballah for attacking Israel. Here is a summary of some other recent accomplishments.

    Today brings news that he is the f...

  5. Toys for Moonbat Giving (Christmas Resistance: Day 7)

    On the seventh day of Resistance the culture gave to me:Toys Reflecting Culture:Culturally-sensitive toys for all your Moonbat giving needs:1.

  6. You have to love Florida Democrats

    When their party chairman can't manage party money, then we have incidents like this. It's a contact sport down here.

  7. Prediction Confirmed: Israel Admits Rafah Security Deal was "Worthless"

    I have been detailing how the vaunted deal to protect Israel's security regarding the Rafah crossing between Egypt and Gaza was a "charade" rushed into because of pressure from Condaleeza Rice:The Rafah deal was a complete capitulation by Israel. Th...

  8. Rep. Murtha's Back in the News

    Living hand to mouth? Again, Rep. Murtha doesn't quite say how this is the case. It's simply his opinion, however informed or uninformed it may be. And unless the Constitution of the US has been changed lately (and it hasn't), it's Congress' job t...

  9. Parents Groups Protest Video Game F.E.A.R.

    Parents' Rights groups are up in arms over the content of the ultra-violent video game F.E.A.R., which was ranked in the top twelve games to avoid by the National Institute on Media and the Family....

  10. No Virginia, There Is No War On Christmas

    At the risk of alienating a few friends, I must sketch the world exactly as it goes in Today's Column

  11. Poll shows Israeli voters rejecting future withdra

    An interesting poll was published this week by Smith Research and Consulting, and sponsored by the ZOA.

  12. U.S. Can't Win in Iraq Says Murtha: Another Wrong Prediction

    The U.S. Army is broken, worn out and living hand-to-mouth from fighting in Iraq and may not be able to meet future military threats to this country's security, U.S. Rep. John Murtha said Wednesday, according to the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. They're...

  13. Headlyin Newz Roundup

    Tests Show N.O. Levee Was Poorly Built
    Found to be too susceptible to demolition charges

    Conn. Students Get Fines for Cursing
    Other voodoo rituals "still OK."

    Judge Bars Indiana Legislature from Christian Prayers
    Worried that saying criminal...

  14. And the first candidate in the New Hampshire Primary is ... David Souter's house?

    And the first candidate in the New Hampshire Primary is ... David Souter's house?

  15. The Sky Is Freezing! The Sky Is Freezing!

    The latest from the Global Warming Chicken Little is that it will cause an Ice Age in Europe.
    I don't make this stuff up. The Guardian in London quoted scientists as saying the Gulf Steam is slowing and that would be a bad thing. The Gulf Stream kee...

  16. "SuperMurtha" Photo Caption - Can You Do Better?

    If you put five or so American flags behind you, raise your hands like a saint, and are photographed from below so that you appear to be eight feet tall, does that make your disparagement of the ability of the U.S. armed forces to win in Iraq more cred...


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