Monday, May 9, 2005

Baseball Blogging: Two In A Row

CatfishFor the second consecutive series, the division leader came to town and ran smack dab into the Catfish. This time, it's the Charleston RiverDogs (Yankees) that are leading the division, but now by a lesser margin, thanks to Columbus' 6-1 win.

Once again, the pitching was superb, scattering 4 hits. And defensively, the Catfish were nearly perfect, with a ninth-inning error on a bad bounce being the only blemish.

Our players, Lucas May and Dan Batz, led the way, with Dan going 3-for-4 at the plate, with one double and two runs scored. Luke hit his fourth homer of the season, and the wife and I have been privileged to have been present for all four.

If the weather holds out, the Catfish will face Charleston in game two Tuesday night. I'm looking for the Catfish to win their third in a row.


  1. me too!


    i'm also looking forward to seeing to Giants win three in a row again....

  2. It's great when your team wins, isn't it?


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