Monday, May 9, 2005

Headline News: 5/9/2005

From ABC News:
Man Carves Runaway Bride on Piece of Toast
Toast disappears, surfaces in Las Vegas

From ABC News:
Man, 76, Accused of Crushing Birds' Heads
Ozzy Osbourne's dad arrested

From ABC News:
Teen Prank Puts Boy Up for Bid on E-Bay
High bidder, an "M. Jackson" from California, said to be disappointed

From ABC News:
Mom Crashes Car Into Son Leaving Hospital
Mom not told location of new hosptial he's in

From ABC News:
Georgian Prepare for Bush Arrival
Waycross residents ordered azaleas online from Gardener's Supply Company *

From ABC News:
Explosion at Kabul Internet Cafe Kills 3
Virtual reality succumbs to actual reality

From ABC News:
Prince Charles leads VE day commemorations
Celebrates victory over his relatives

From ABC News:
Average U.S. Gas Price Drops 3 Cents
Fuel now costs only six times what it should

From ABC News:
Utah Study Links Obesity and Bad Knees
Will next study if there is link between stupdity and bad ideas

From ABC News:
Congressman Who Led Nixon Impeachment Dies
Curse by witchdoctor Nixon hired finally pays off


  1. Boy sold on eBay as prank

    (via basil's blog)

    HAZEN, N.D. May 6, 2005 — A prank that involved putting a high school senior up for bids on an online auction service has landed the boy and one of his classmates in trouble.

    The teenagers have lost their computer privileges...

  2. Long Weekend

    Brain Droppings: May 2005 Dominionists Newsletter The Cross-Eyed Bear: Social Security Trust Fund Increases Basil's Blog: Headline News IMAO: Reid My Lips, Loser Wizbang: Not So Great Moments In Marketing History Goober Queen: Drug Use Dog's Daze: Adv...

  3. I always enjoy reading your little captions for your news stories. Your choice of news stories are very good also. Thank you and keep on with this great site. It is really well done.

  4. Headlines for Tuesday 5/10/2005

    As always, more Headline fun can be had at basil's blog, oystersnout and Moe's Woes when he gets 'R done.

  5. I Have Returnethed

    Sorry for extremely light posting since Saturday,y'all. (Ok,non-existent posting)

    I had a sudden and unavoidable personal matter arise, and I wasn't able to do much of anything. So, lemme check right quick and get some gratuitous name dropping cau...


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