Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Headline News: 5/10/2005

From KPRC:
Patrol car runs over purse-snatching suspect
Told "Next time, steal a car."

From WKMG:
Pot-flavored candy found in Florida
New M&Ms cause cravings for M&Ms

From ABC News:
Jesus Christ in Legal Battle in W.Va.
Turned water into wine in dry county

From ABC News:
Brazilian Town Declares Orgasm Day
Bloggers urged to celebrate it with a friend

From ABC News:
Chicken Ticketed for Crossing the Road
Spokesman: "What was he supposed to do? Let the sky fall on him?"

From ABC News:
Germany Dedicates Holocaust Memorial
Entitled "What Could Have Been"

From ABC News:
South American, Arab Leaders Hold Summit
Summit likes to cuddle

From ABC News:
German cannibal fantasist gets 13 years for murder
Says sentence is hard to swallow

From ABC News:
Faults Found in Online Reporter's Stories
Not as many as at CBS or the New York Times, but good effort nonetheless

From ABC News:
Gay Men Respond Differently to Pheromones
Gay men attracted to men. Who would have figured?

From ABC News:
Archaeologists Find 2,000-Year-Old Shoe
From Michael Jordan's rookie year


  1. Hey, I don't make this stuff up!

    Well, not all of it.

  2. Tuesday

    Phin's Blog: The winds of change PlaidBerry: Hey, Wait a Minute... GOP and the City : Tuesdays With Kim Caption Contest Wigderson Library and Pub: Prince Harry, orphan killer The Idiom: C'mon. Nobody Saw This Coming? Hamster Motor: Agitated...

  3. Headlines for Wednesday 5/11/2005

    For more headlines see basil's blog. Mowhawk of oystersnout has Jury duty so no headlines and Moe of Moes' Woes is MIA. What up bud?

  4. I Have Returnethed

    Sorry for extremely light posting since Saturday,y'all. (Ok,non-existent posting)

    I had a sudden and unavoidable personal matter arise, and I wasn't able to do much of anything. So, lemme check right quick and get some gratuitous name dropping cau...


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