Wednesday, May 4, 2005

Supper 2005-05-04

Try one of these specials with your supper:


  1. OK, now I know I commented on this post at 01:40 PM EDT, making a smarmy snark about you expecting us to be hungry again only 40 minutes after lunch...what gives? I sense a conspiracy...

    Maybe Rove is involved...

  2. Yep, you did. For all reading, here's the deal:

    Knowing I was leaving work and going directly to the baseball game, I composed the Supper entry at the end of lunch, and scheduled it to appear at 6:00 PM, since I wouldn't have time after work. That way, the post appeared on schedule and I didn't miss a pitch.

    However, when I went to save it under "Publish On" (where I enter the date/time for the post to appear), I must have accidentally changed it to "Publish Now" instead. That meant that around 1:40 PM, this post appeared. I saw that it was there and removed it and republished under "Publish On" (which hides it until the specified time).

    During the brief period of time the post was visible, Jeff H saw it and commented "Do you really expect us to be hungry again only 40 minutes after lunch?"

    Since the post disappeared until 6:00 PM, the comments wouldn't show until 6:00 PM, either. Then, at 6:00 PM, the post would appear, timestamped 6:00 PM, with a comment asking why it appeared so soon. Jeff H would have looked like an ass, even though it was me who was the ass.

    So, I removed the comment.

    Don't worry though, Jeff. Next time I do something stupid like I did today, then fix it, but a comment is attached, I'll let it hang around and make the commenter look, well, however it causes them to look.

    Fair enough?


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