Saturday, September 24, 2005

Blogroll me!

The cat's away, so this marsupial's gonna play!

Over at my place I'm harping, again, on Chris Bowers' post I'm not going to blogroll you. There the question is raised, what's that value of a blogroll anyway? Here's my take:
I watch my traffic and I agree with Chris that my site in your blogroll isn't going to drive any traffic to me. But I do believe that it does something else that's legitimate and good.

It's a marker of acceptance by someone somewhere that welcomes me to the blogosphere. It's a sign of affinity and kinship and reaching out. It's an indicator of respect and acknowledgement. It's a digital nod that I appreciate.

And yes, sometimes it's nothing. But it's part of the ritual and practice of blogging that I've come to understand. I like it. And I think it's worthy of respect.
What do you think?


  1. you're already on my blogroll; not sure if I'm on your blogroll.


  2. you're already on my blogroll; not sure if I'm on yours... aka
    address www.oh-hell.blogspot


  3. I use mine as a payback, suckup and also what it is supposed to be: another favorite's list. If you want to recip, no problem, but I don't "demand" it

  4. my blogroll is for favs, recips, family, anything that suits my fancy - and to catch an occasional surfer wondering who linked to me? lgp

  5. My blogroll policy:

    1. If the blog worships Che Guevara, Hillary Clinton, Keynes, Cat Stevens, Andycap, those bears from the Downy commercials, James Joyce, FDR, Kofi Annan, Sean Penn, Gumby, any British royalty, or Paul Krugman, it doesn't get on.

    2. If the blog sounds like a madman yelling over the voices in his head, it doesn't get on (unless he has conversations with armadillos)

    3. Any blog with gratuituous references to hippy-slapping gets on.

    4. Any blog with gratuituous photos of hippy-slapping gets on.

    5. Any blog with the sentence, "I am reality-based, you baby-murdering Rethuglican fascist!" doesn't get on.

    6. I try to weed out any humorless blog by asking, "What about this blog would an Islamic Fundamentalist get angry about?"

    7. All blogs featuring funny Southern babies with children get on my blogroll

  6. Very simple. I blogroll anybody who inspires my own blog.

    There is one nameless exception. Somebody asked me to swap links, and so I did. I will never do it again.

    On the other hand, somebody had already added me to his blogroll before asking if I would add him to mine. I very much liked his blog, so I did.

    I rarely get traffic from a blogroll, but it does give me a sense of connectedness to be on a blogroll. Traffic comes from being linked in a post. Period.

  7. You've used my work in the past, so I must inspire you in some way.

    and I appreciate it.

    Cindy aka firstbroikenangel

  8. you've used my work in the past so I must inspire you in some way.

    Cindy aka firstbrokenangel

  9. I've added you to my blogroll, and when I did I realized how alphabetically wonderful your blog name is for blogrolling... :-)


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