From ABC News:
Iron Age Woman's Skeleton Found in Denmark
Couldn't remember where she left it
From CNN:
Kids' food pyramid launched
To dock with Space Station on Saturday
From CNN:
Minefields keep penguins safe
Keeps Glenn Reynolds away
From CNN:
Group: Millions not getting food stamps
Most have jobs
From CNN:
Mouse grounds plane for 13 hours
Pilot Sylvester T. Cat says of baby kangaroo: "Big! Mouse! Huge! Mouse! Big!"
From CNN:
Boat people reach U.S. after 16 years
Ginger, Mary Ann, Professor finally end three-hour tour
From CNN:
Colombia to offer one-hour divorces
Perfect for the three-day marriage
From CNN:
Morgue boss: 'These are horrible times'
Normally, it's a fun job
Via Confederate Yankee
From Med Page Today:
Manufacturer Warns of Potential Birth Defects with Paxil
Yeah, but I just don't care...
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