Saturday, September 24, 2005

Weekend Comment/TrackBacks

Having to attend some meetings and other travel this weekend. The standard complement of Guest Bloggers are, of course, welcome to drop by.

In the meantime, though, we're having an open Comment Party and Open TrackBack post. You know the deal:

If you have an interesting post that you'd like to share, please leave a TrackBack to that post, and please link to this post so that others can enjoy the fun. If you need help with TrackBacks, Harvey of Bad Example has an excellent primer here, or check out my post about TrackBacks here. If your blog can't generate TrackBacks, use either the form here or here.


  1. Pimp Your Blog Trackback Party

    Mi Casa Su Casa!
    We hit the 100,000 mark, plus its the weekend! Help us celebrate, pimp your best stuff. A link for a linklink to this post, send a trackback, and a link to your blog will magically appear. Its a linkfest weekend! Share ...

  2. Saturday Specials

    1. Beth gets some help here and here.

    3. Battle robots could join dogs on S. Korea border.

    4. Puppy Swallows 13 Knife, Survives.

  3. Countdown to the weekend

    Today's dose of NIF - News, Interesting & Funny ... Weekend!

  4. A young girl's response to anti-Islamic sentiment

    Hi everyone. I am a 19 year old American Muslim College girl and wow, some of those things said by Michael Graham really hurt. I humbly request the readers of this website to take a step back, open their hearts and allow themselves to grow more knowled...

  5. Lando, Chewbacca Join Anti-Bush Protest

    In a move that has delighted Star Wars enthusiasts and enraged Republicans everywhere, famed intergalactic heroes Lando Calrissian and Chewbacca recently turned up at an anti-war protest in Washington, DC. Wow, this is sweet, stated science fiction buf...

  6. SEC, Justice Investigate Frist's Sale of Stock

    Frist has repeatedly denied any allegations of any wrong-doing., citing the blind trust set up. The sale was prompted by advice from his stockbroker and Senate colleague, Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY).

  7. WaPo Finds A Veteran "Novice"

    Ah it sounds so innocent. The headline in the Washington Post read: "Antiwar Rally Will Be a First for Many"
    How sweet. Reporter Petula Dvorak even went and interviewed by telephone a sweet little old lady from Olathe, Kansas.

  8. Our New Pledge

    So, We have the Pledge of Allegiance under assault again from a bunch of Anti-American, Communist, Anti-theists. Perhaps it would be better if we changed the Pledge of Allegiance, not just by removing the "under God" part. We could give it a whole ne...

  9. What Does This Say About Us?

    This is the story about an incredibly loving young girl named Christin. A very active high-school graduate and a beloved member of her softball team and community, she was sweet beyond the norm as so often is the case for children with her diagnosis....

  10. Ahoy Mateys

    The Monday last was International Talk Like A Pirate Day. Alas, I was not in the home port, but I was in the Pirate's Paradise of Nags Head, North Carolina. I don't want to miss on me chance to talk like a pirate, so I will regail ye with boring phot...

  11. Kennedy Demands Investigation of

    The Coast Guard cutter Hanify performed a dangerous rescue mission at sea late Wednesday, rescuing a floundering yacht belonging to Senator Edward Kennedy (D-MA), the Mya.

  12. Kennedy Demands Investigation of "Hurricane-rita"

    The Coast Guard cutter Hanify performed a dangerous rescue mission at sea late Wednesday, rescuing a floundering yacht belonging to Senator Edward Kennedy (D-MA), the Mya.

  13. Dear Grampa

    I wanted to write a letter telling you all of the things you taught me. To point out the things you have passed onto me, and what an influence you have been to me.

  14. An insider's view of the last Papal conclave

    One conclusion I make from this diary is high likelihood for the next Pope to come from Latin America.

  15. Greed and Corruption - A way of life in N.O.

    This just makes my heartache, the corruption, and the opportunists. I know, or at least I think I know, this is not the majority, but more and more all we are seeing on the news are the people who would take advantage of the situations that arise. Pe...

  16. Greed and Corruption - A way of life in N.O.

    This just makes my heartache, the corruption, and the opportunists. I know, or at least I think I know, this is not the majority, but more and more all we are seeing on the news are the people who would take advantage of the situations that arise. Pe...

  17. Anti-War Activists: Full of Protest, But No ANSWERs

    Bring the troops home is no solution.
    AP reports: Opponents of the war in Iraq rallied by the thousands Saturday to demand the return of U.S. troops, staging a day of protest, song and remembrance of the dead in marches through Washington and ...

  18. More Media Falsehood

    The Washington Post ran a story with some fraudulent "novice" protesters, that happened to be picked up by Stars and Stripes in...


    Since Jody and Mac absolved me of any obligation to actually write anything today (thanks!), I?ll put up the Obligatory Weekend Trackback Post? now. :mrgreen:

    If you have something you?d like others to read, link to this post, and send a trackback...

  20. Where's Your Hat?

    I'm Shepard Smith reporting from Hurricane Rita here in Beaumont Texas Excuse me Shep? Yes Greta? Where's your hat?...

  21. ACLU Wages War On Recruiters - Again

    Are there no limits to the lengths that they will go to ensure the degradation of our Armed Forces? Apparently not. The NYCLU has announced a campaign to combat military recruiting in schools.
    Lets first start by explaining the alternatives to the cu...

  22. No More K. Annan, Now We Want Farrakhan

    Late last night, in a heated closed session-pizza party-Slip N' Slide jamboree, Louis Farrakhan was elected the new Secretary General of the United Nations. While Kofi Annan's tenuous position as Secretary General has been the subject of many pondero...

  23. Bring On The Bell Ringers!

    It's time to tell the stores that they better support the Salvation Army's Bell Ringers

    Remember the big news last year about so many stores deciding they wouldn't allow the Salvation Army's Bell Ringers during the Christmas season? Lord, I was pee...

  24. Bias, what bias?

    ...Springfield, Missouri will be treated to news about the anti-war protesters and if they don't listen to Vince Jericho in the mornings (KSGF), they'll never even know there were people out there with an opposing viewpoint.

    Vince and his wife, Denis...

  25. NEWS!!!!

    Anti-war protesters shout "Bush out now," and "Peace now," and march past the White House.
    meanwhile Thousands March Through London in Iraq War Protest and

    Puppet Politics: Reid "Got The Message" From Liberal Third Parties To Oppose Judge Roberts...

  26. Sunday OTB

    It?s Sunday again folks ? time for The Owner to take a break.

    Give me your posts from far and wide ? as long as you link and trackback properly.

  27. I looooove the new look!

    But where'd the inline trackbacks go?

  28. Patience, my child. Working the kinks out now.

    And thank you.


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