Friday, September 9, 2005

Breakfast: 9/9/2005

Try one of these specials with your breakfast:


  1. Disaster Katrina: Everyones To Blame, Dammit

    To rephrase my title: Charles Krauthammer says that theres plenty of blame to spread around. It sure as hell wasnt due to either global warming, the war in Iraq, or tax cuts.


  2. My Morning: A Tear-Jerker by Two Dogs

    Linked at basil's Breakfast to get some traffic, because he has taught me well.

  3. Solheim Cup play starts today

    I'll be watching this all weekend. Go USA!

  4. Cleopatra Was A Man, Baby

    That's right

  5. Maocot!

    (Fed to Basil for breakfast)

    So, Disney is preparing to build a Disney World in Hong Kong.

    Gee, thats REALLY appropriate for an American corporation to dogive money to the ChiComs.

    Anyway, we did a little background research and uncove...

  6. Windows for Red States

    Windows 2005, Red State Edition
    We hyar at Microsof haf created a noo addishun of our sofware jest fo youns. Effn yall kin read, yall will recernize th Red State EDITION by th unique openi...

  7. Schwing!

    Today's dose of NIF - News, Interesting & Funny ... Another Friday, already in progress

  8. Schwing!

    Today's dose of NIF - News, Interesting & Funny ... Another Friday, already in progress


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