Saturday, September 17, 2005

Saturday Picnic: 9/17/2005

If you have an interesting post that you'd like to share, please leave a TrackBack to that post, and please link to this post so that others can enjoy the fun. If you need help with TrackBacks, Harvey of Bad Example has an excellent primer here, or check out my post about TrackBacks here. If your blog can't generate TrackBacks, use either the form here or here.


  1. Weekend Trackback Party

    Its the weekend! Gotta love Saturday! So here a trackback party. If you have a post you want to share with our readers, just link to this post and send a trackback. It will appear as a link. If you need help with trackbacks Bad Example has...

  2. Bush To Receive Giant $250B Novelty Cash Card

    The card, modeled on the $2000 cash cards given to hurricane refugees, will be two feet high by three feet long, and be embossed with the name President George W Bush, over a patriotic eagle and American flag theme. To be financed by paying ?only the...

  3. Creating Racism

    Sports is the toy department of newspapers. But sometimes the toymakers seek to raise their status by taking on giant social issues. So it is with the naming of teams after Indians. Condemning this has become a sport all to itself. Condemn the name and...

  4. Because I Am Here.

    Why Not Attack America? I have a simple answer. Because I am here.

  5. JACK ARMY's Partisan Muster

    The blogger trackback and the non-blogger synopsis that I find most interesting will get an invitation to guest post next Wednesday as one of JACK ARMY's Partisans. I'll post my selections on Monday and I need the guest posts by Tuesday evening ready...

  6. ACLU Wants To Let The Genie Out Of The Bottle

    In its typical scare tactic way, the ACLU is fighting the Patriot Act over a librarians name to be released over activities the FBI has found worthy of investigating. The ACLU is trying to take the FBIs efforts to protect Americans from...

  7. Lessons not Learned

    While acknowledging his responsibility, he can present no specifics as to what he should have done better. By confining the review to the subordinate departments, he is placing himself out of bounds. What has he learned? We don't know.

  8. Voluntary Charity v. Government Welfare: Katrina

    Consider how many millions of Americans have given voluntarily to charities. Consider how vast the sum of their knowledge is, that each gives to that charity which from his state of knowledge will most benefit the victims of Katrina. Consider the va...

  9. Netanyahu questions why destruction of Israeli...

    Benjamin Netanyahu recently spoke on Israel Radio and questioned why Ariel Sharon did not bring up the subject of the synagogues that were destroyed in Gaza by Muslim vandals when speaking at the UN

  10. Where's George

    I know, I know... It's just wrong. But hey, it is kinda funny.

  11. This date in history 61 years ago

    Today I read Don's post, but without prompting I remembered what happened today in 1944. The British led by Field Marshall Montgomery launched Market-Garden. An invasion of Holland spearheaded by the dropping of 35,000 paratroopers in front of British ...

  12. The Empress of Fifteen Minutes

    The Deceased Gentleman, whose portrait appears to the left of this paragraph is Napoleon II. He isn't much as historical folk go, he didn't last very long as is noted in this from Wikipedia: Three years after his birth in Paris, the First French Empir...

  13. Some observations from New Orleans

    I just spoke with someone on the scene in New Orleans who said that the progress in cleaning up the city is remarkable. They had a dinner for the 14 senators who were visiting the area. Senator Joe Lieberman was

  14. CONTEST: Salary Comparisons

    We're having a contest: How much do these heads of two prominent charities make in annual salaries? Todd Bassett National Commander Salvation Army We've got the honor system in play here -- no fair looking up the answer before you...

  15. ARGH!

    Today's dose of NIF - News, Interesting & Funny ... Talk Like a Pirate Day edition, ARGH!

  16. CONTEST: Salary Comparisons

    We're having a contest: How much do these heads of two prominent charities make in annual salaries? Todd Bassett National Commander Salvation Army We've got the honor system in play here -- no fair looking up the answer before you...

  17. My Best Recent Posts: Trackback Carnival

    I have noticed that a number of bloggers are posting trackback carnivals, so rather than edit a bunch of posts, I figured I would just link everything in one place.

    Trackback hosts: Point Five, Wizbang, StoptheACLU, MyVastRightWingConspiracy, Euph...


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