Monday, September 19, 2005

Covered Dish Supper: 9/19/2005

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  1. SCOTUS Battle - Round II - Part II

    Two key uncertainties are in the forefront of the process of filling the two vacancies on the Supreme Court bench; The vote on John Roberts, and the identity of the second nominee. Let me take them in that order.
    Everything I've heard or read indicat...

  2. Clinton Threatens Rita With Cruise Missile Strike

    In a wide ranging interview on Sunday, former President Bill Clinton soundly criticized the Bush Administration on multiple fronts. Although embraced by President Bush for a second set of relief efforts, Clinton nonetheless noted many failures of Bus...

  3. And now for something completely different

    Avast! Me buckos aren?t goin? t? believe this, but guess where I?m guest-bloggin?? A LIBERAL site!

    O?course, not the typical liberal, it?s the Gun-Toting Liberal. He?s left for work-related duties for a few months to a place where he can?t blog, and...


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