Friday, September 23, 2005

Breakfast: 9/23/2005

Try one of these specials with your breakfast:


  1. Open Trackback Post

    I have inline trackbacks now, so you can trackback and it will SHOW UP without opening the comments section! Itll be published right out in the open! Voila!
    GO FOR IT! Put up one post that you think deserves some special attention from th...

  2. How The ACLU Censors Religious Expression

    The ACLU claims to be the great defender of liberty, but the truth is that their definition of liberty is limited to what alligns within their agenda. As a matter of fact, the ACLU is the foremost religious censor in America. Despite the fact that t...

  3. Bush Asks Abdullah for Mideast Peace Help

    President Bush on Thursday asked Abdullah The Butcher to visit Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas to help advance the Middle East peace process.

    "When I was just a young fellow, I remember watching you taking char...

  4. The ongoing saga

    In other words the doctor thinks they could be my skin cancer having spread. Please pray I get good results.

  5. Rita Evac Bus Explodes

    Via Sister Toldjah.
    DALLAS As many as 20 nursing home patients were killed early Friday when a busload of elderly Hurricane Rita evacuees from Houston caught fire then was rocked by a series of explosions on gridlocked Interstate 45, a Dal...

  6. Countdown to the weekend

    Today's dose of NIF - News, Interesting & Funny ... Weekend!

  7. Countdown to the weekend

    Today's dose of NIF - News, Interesting & Funny ... Weekend!

  8. That's Sooooooooooo August

    Cindy Sheehan

  9. Weekend Round-Up/3. Blogosphere (USA)

    GOP / RIGHTIES. The Third Republican Revolution? Ace of Spades HQ - Colin Powell with Clout. Powerline - Not having any fun? The Anchoress - Roberts?s Answers to Written Questions Patterico's Pontifications


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