Try one of these specials with your lunch:
- The Blog Interviews: Taking questions for vw bug of One Happy Dog Speaks.
- Sean Gleeson answers the question: "Are you one?"
- WuzzaDem turns Mr. Stick Figure loose on Rep. Christopher Shays.
- The Nose On Your Face says Algore demands a recount.
- Homespun Bloggers are now Pod People.
- The Oubliette thinks about Goin' Roman.
- The Baba Gannouj has some more initials for HP and the CSR who he called about a PC.
- Balance Sheet has a question for the Open Borders people.
- Mean Ol' Meany makes it to number three on the charts.
- Baldilocks isn't ready to play the racism card.
- Eyes On The Ball News says there's an up side to the Ashton-Demi marriage. *
Secret Chinese Plans Uncovered
ReplyDeleteFollowing the example of The Evil Emperor Mindstation, I have also uncovered secret Chinese plans.
Blushing Media Post-Katrina? Hardly.
ReplyDeleteThe mainstream media are not blushing. They will continue down their arrogant Iraq-as-model reporting path, accentuating the negative with questionable facts and half-truths. And when they err, they will develop a news cycle reporting on the error with...
Basil, sorry for polluting your yummy dessert menu with too much filthy media bashing. Wizbang standalone trackback thingie seems to have glitched... that, or my browser made it glitch.
ReplyDeleteHaloscan trackbacked twice also. maybe it's on Basil's end?
ReplyDeleteDeLay: Hero Or Ham?
ReplyDeleteThe indictment of Tom Delay has the blogosphere blogasming.
A 250 Billion Dollar Mistake
ReplyDeleteIn an interview with USA Today, NASA Administrator Michael Griffin admits that much of the past 30 years of the space program has been one big mistake.
... besides banging ... NICE! /TJ
ReplyDeleteBlogicus Interrupticus
ReplyDeleteToday's dose of NIF - News, Interesting & Funny ... Hump Day edition
That's nothing - HalScan just F'ed and decided to send however many are above ... again. /TJ
ReplyDeleteThe ACLU needs a helmet and a drool bib.
ReplyDeleteGo read the entire story here
It seems the ACLU has decided to take on the Utah County Sheriff for breaking up a rave stating that for whatever reason there is an unfounded connection between this kind of music and drugs.
I know quite a few r...
The MaryHunter:
ReplyDeleteIt's corrected.
Dr. Phat Tony:
Perhaps. But, since SixApart (TypePad) is hosting, it should impact other TypePad sites, too. It only seems to be happening from Blogger sites that use HaloScan. So far. Which still makes me think it's something with HaloScan.