Monday, September 26, 2005

Lunch: 9/26/2005

Try one of these specials with your lunch:


  1. Clinton Shows True Colors

    The Senate Judiciary Committee finally voted to send the Supreme Court nomination of John Roberts directly to the Senate floor for a full vote. There weren't too many surprises; Senator Dianne Feinstein(D-CA) stayed true to the liberal interests that...

  2. A call to arms

    A call to arms. The US Constitution is under attack again


  3. More on Pimp-Mommy: "Get-It-Over-With" Sex

    Predictably, our culture has drifted from Get It On, to Get-It-Over-With. . . One more thing about the mom who pimped out her daughter and a friend to two men they met at a mall on a shopping trip. My...

  4. Sorry for the quadruple ping. I kept losing connection to the server and getting an error, then they all showed up! I think it's time to get a new computer.

  5. New Flag?

    Imagine the Milky Way Galaxy as it could be. Some might be offended:

    But I think it sings

  6. Deborah Grilli:
    'S okay. I've had TrackBack and connectivity issues today, too. Not sure what's up. I'll correct it soon.

  7. John Roberts Heads toward easy Confirmation

    John Roberts, hailed by supporters as "the brightest of the bright," cruised Monday toward easy confirmation as chief justice while President Bush hinted that his next pick to the Supreme Court could be a minority or a woman. LIVE Webcast: Senate Deb...

  8. I guess I am having a problem alos ...odd It was fine this morning ...

  9. I guess I am having a problem also ...odd It was fine this morning ...

  10. How about Berkeley? Don Adams of 'Get Smart' dead at age 82

    Don Adams has passed away but like Bob Denver will forever live in re-runs. RIP.

  11. Nice clean look.
    BTW, I think Clinton showed his true colors.

  12. BTW, is having issues, thus the quadruple ping

  13. gina:
    Yeah, it's happening all over.

    Don Surber:
    I blame Bush.

  14. More Headlyin' Newz - 9/26/05

    Psychologist: England 'like a little kid'
    Was reportedly ?just playing dress up?

    Hamas pledges end to Gaza rockets
    Plans on firing them from West Bank instead.

  15. Another day older

    Today's dose of NIF - News, Interesting & Funny ... just the Monday edition


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