Tuesday, December 6, 2005

Headlines News 12-06-2005

From ABC News:
Woman Allegedly Hires Hit Man for Cheese
Mickey Mouse turns state's evidence

From ABC News:
Man Jailed After Biting Head Off Gecko
But his attorney has good news: He just saved a bunch of money on his car insurance by switching to Geico

From ABC News:
Five Deer Leap to Deaths From W.Va. Garage
Left note saying they had to get away from Don Surber

From ABC News:
Curtain Shields Santa, Sexy Store Display
Nothing says 'sexy' quite like a hairy, jolly, fat man

From ABC News:
Some Megachurches Closing for Christmas
Don't want God to get in the way of the holidays

From ABC News:
Plame, woman at center of CIA leak probe, to retire
Agent 99 to leave husband, settle down with Agent 86

From ABC News:
India's costly love affair with gold
Silver files for divorce

From ABC News:
Rovers Find Evidence Mars Was Once Hostile
Grover's Mill, NJ residents' reports confirmed

From ABC News:
Professor acquitted of funding Islamist group
Free to resume funding Islamist groups

From ABC News:
Katrina Victims Testify on Racism's Role
Claim God caused hurricane to leave Whites dry, unharmed

From The Evening Standard:
Robbie in 'secretly gay' libel win
Jury rules it's no secret


  1. Tuesday

    Basil's Blog: Headline News Point Five: Howard Dean Denies Lavish Catered Luncheon Is Aid And Comfort Scheiss Weekly: All Kinds of "Final" Moments Scrappleface: Terrorists to Move From Secret Jails to EU Building Cox and Forkum: Winter Blunderland ...

  2. Midweek Healine Caption Contest

    Now Your Turn - Comment With Your Headline Caption: "Microsoft to invest $1.7 bln in India" (Your Witty Comments accepted at Bloggin' Outloud - You could win a Yeti!)


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