Tuesday, December 6, 2005

Supper 12-06-2005

Try one of these specials with your supper:


  1. The Knucklehead of the Day award

    Today's winner is US Senator John Kerry.

  2. Stupid Spammer Tricks and The Weather Guy

    As always, I am continually amazed at the combination of cleverness and rank stupidity behind spamming. The fake Rolex EMAIL spammers have begun using a technique in which they prefix each message with a personal little blurb. The idea is...

  3. Liberal Media Alarm?

    Is it just me or does this scream liberal biased? Either way, I'm gonna make this a Caption Contest. Entries are due by Monday. I'll post up the top 5 then.

  4. Sean Hannity Is Hot On The Riviera Beach Story

    Sean Hannity will be in Riviera Beach this week. The displacement of all these people is nothing to ignore. This could happen to any community in the United States. From The Sun Sentinel: Riviera Beach townhouses planned Coral Gables-based Cornerstone...

  5. Ramalamadingdong

    Today's dose of NIF - News, Interesting & Funny ... It's Kerry-180 Tuesday (+ Open Trackbacks)

  6. Historical Referendum

    11.6 million voters queued to cast ballots on the draft that has split President Mwai Kibaki's government during Kenya's Historical Constitutional Referendum...

  7. We Need More of This

    If KB Homes or Shaw Group sounds familiar, they should. They're frequently featured on the hit ABC show Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. These are huge developers who have the capability to get the job done. Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama will nee...

  8. Howard Dean Denies Lavish Catered Luncheon Is 'Aid And Comfort'

    As outraged critics shout cries of 'sedition', Howard Dean angrily denied that a DNC fundraiser attended by top al-Qaeda and Sunni insurgents fell under U.S. treason statutes. The banquet, held in a large pavilion outside Baghdad,

  9. [...] Organized “linkie” lists [good yet unrelated] - (i.e. Basil’s Blog - Instapundit has them just slapped down pretending to be stories) [...]


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