Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Headline News 2006-09-26

From Reuters:
Calif. guards bungled Williams execution: official
State offers to dig him up, try again

From Reuters:
Dow tops 2006 high
Bush economy in shambles

From Reuters:
Bush dismisses Clinton critique as "finger-pointing"

Adds: "Don't know where that finger's been"

From Reuters:
Cheney says Democrats soft on national security

Concedes: "Soft ... but cuddley"

From Reuters:
Heart attacks decline after smoking ban: study
Stupid people living longer

From Reuters:
Islamic foreign ministers press pope to apologize
Benedict: "Sorry Muslims are acting crazy"

From Reuters:
Thrown eggs can cause serious eye injury
National Center for the Obvious releases annual report

From Reuters:
Hollywood unleashes dogs in war on movie piracy
Johnny Depp vows to fight back

From ABC News:
Ore. Theater Boss Links Fire, 'Jackass'
Bush denies involvment

From ABC News:
Iowa Woman Finds Drowned Bat in Tea Mug
Cindy Sheehan found


  1. Tuesday's...

    Bad Example: Fun Facts About North Dakota Basil's Blog: Headline News Right Jokester: Calm Down, Mr. President Semi-Open Trackbacks: If you have something funny to share, link to this post and send a trackback.......

  2. Is it just me or does every woman have the hots for Johnny Depp? My wife loves the guy and everything he does. This guy must get hounded by females everywhere he goes!

  3. Depp is okay, but I have the hots for Tom Selleck! He is my definition of a man! ;) Thanks for making me think of him!


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