Sunday, September 10, 2006

Open Trackbacks: 2006-09-10

An abbreviated look at the blogroll had these items of interest:

Working on computers and other stuff means offline much of the day. But still scheduled for WideAwakesRadio at 3:00 PM ET.


  1. As The Bodies Fell- He Played...

    The bodies fell awkwardly through the air. Some were still and some moved every which way, as if they were desperately trying to learn how to fly.

    The bodies fell and he continued to play. The bodies fell and I stared at him. He was oblivious to it ...

  2. Off into the sunset...

    Defeat at the polls didn't humble Irv. Apparently nothing can do that....

  3. The missing Moms and children of 9-11...

    One type of article I haven't seen or can't remember, is one in memory of a mother who died that day. A mother of small children, or more particularly a mom who was pregnant at the time of the atack and died. How many unborn children were killed that...


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