Monday, September 11, 2006

Open Trackbacks 2006-09-11

For a variety of reasons, still limited Internet access today. So I only have time to present one item of interest from my blogroll. It's the blogger whose interview questions close this weekend. And, of course, it's related to 9/11. You'll see many posts about 9/11 today. And many about one of the 2,996 that died that day.

If you have an interesting post about today (or about 5 years ago today) that you'd like to share, please leave a TrackBack to that post.


  1. 9/11 Plus 5: A Tribute...

    View This Video on You Tube
    This is the higher definition version. The lower res version is here.
    For those who are unable to access YouTube at work, here is a Google Vids version.
    Beth at MY Vast Right Wing Conspiracy has a great roundup of 9/11 video...

  2. Find the Cost of Freedom, A 9/11 Rememberance...

    This picture was taken by my wife from the site of her father's grave at Arlington Cemetery just after the attack of 9/11 on the pentagon....

  3. Magnificent Fire Chief's Last Call to Duty...

    Downey also made frequent trips to Washington, serving on a congressional advisory panel on domestic terrorism....

  4. Ten Reasons Why the West Will Lose the War on Terror (the pessimist’s view)...

    A society that believes man is incapable of evil is in its death throes. A society that fails to recognize evil is already dead. A country that does battle for neither good nor evil is doomed to lose that battle.


  5. 2996 tribute 9/11 - Terrence E Adderley...

    Before 9/11 the only view I had of the New York City skyline was from the top floor of my home in New Jersey. On any day I could look out the window and see the upper 30 floors of the WTC. When both buildings disappeared from view that horrible morn.....

  6. A DAY TO REMEMBER…September 11, 2001...

    Today we all remember
    today we all will pray
    for all of those wonderful people
    who’s lives were stole away.
    An evil was amongst us
    it circled in the sky
    then swooped down and took our loved ones
    right before our eyes.
    We watched it on our tv s...

  7. 2,996 - I Remember Max Beilke, MSG, US Army (Retired)...

    This tribute will remain on top until September 15, 2006.

    Master Sergeant, US Army (Retired)
    VETERAN SERVICE DATES: November 1, 1954 - November 1, 1974
    DATE OF BIRTH: July 24, 1932
    DATE OF DEATH: September 11, 2001


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