Friday, January 21, 2005

Headline News 2005-01-21

From ABC News:
Norwegians Confused by Bush Salute
Bush: "Those people that live in Norwegia confuse me, too"

From ABC News:
Texas Billboards Feature Osama, Arafat
Radio Station Hires New "Rude Crew in the Morning"

From ABC News:
Threat Leads Boston to Boost Security
Ted Kennedy Sighted

From ABC News:
Loophole Allows Inaugural Spending Binge
Bush criticized for spending $3-million more than Clinton's 1997 total of $37-million

From ABC News:
Official Who Criticized Homeland Security Is Out of a Job
Finds out why it's called "Homeland Security" and not "Job Security"

From ABC News:
Pope Gives French Cardinal Difficult Task
Pontiff hands out soap, towels

From ABC News:
Abused Women Less Likely to Have Stable Relationships
Dead Cats Less Likely to Have Kittens

From ABC News:
Jackson Judge Allows Expert Testimony
Novice testimony not seen as reliable

From ABC News:
The Game Aims to Revive West Coast Rap
New Triple-H storyline debuts on Next Monday Night Raw

From ABC News:
Bush to Boost AIDS Funding; Critics Say More Needed
Would complain if you hung them with new rope

From CNN:
Where the devil's daughter comes ashore
Hillary goes to the beach

From CNN:
1000th UK No. 1 goes to Elvis
Wins lifetime subscription to UK's leading music magazine

From CNN:
Half-ton man drops nearly 500 pounds
Lands on foot, causes really nasty bruise

From CNN:
Poll: Costs top health care concern
Not Dying falls to number 2

From CNN:
Shrieking frogs have mayor hopping mad
Shreiking eels have Pricess Buttercup frightened

From CNN:
$450,000 settlement for wrong surgery
Just enough to pay for right surgery

From CNN:
Victims' families criticize 'Al Qaeda Reader'
Terrorist 'Peanut and Jocko' is really offensive to some

From CNN:
New virus masquerades as news headlines
Curses! I've been found out!


  1. Big Sis (who's 5'4")January 21, 2005 at 2:36 PM

    New virus masquerades as news headlines
    Curses! I've been found out!

    OH! That is SO you! I do love your headlines; they showcase your wit. But I'll tell you, I love your stories even better. Got another truckstop story?

  2. Sort of. I need to figure out how to tell them without getting into trouble. Or getting others into trouble.

    I did work for the private investigator. Some interesting stories there. Maybe.

  3. if it's been at least 7 years, hasn't the statute of limitations run out?????

  4. Big Sis (who's 5'4")January 21, 2005 at 5:01 PM

    When did you work for a private investigator?

  5. great headlines as always! i really look forward to reading your blog after i get home from work,the laughter tends to ease the stress of the job and make the rest of the night much better. keep it up!


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