Sunday, January 9, 2005

Son of More Headline News Returns Again

From ABC News:
62-Foot Stogie Rolled in Puerto Rico
63-Foot doobie rolled in Tommy Chong's basement

From ABC News:
Indianapolis Rocked by Underground Blast
Tremors blamed on collapse of Denver

From ABC News:
Abbas Is Pragmatist Who Opposes Violence
Hitler Was Pragmatist Who Opposed Violence

From ABC News:
Doctors Debate Tsunami Health Impact
However, most feel drowning is harmful to health

From ABC News:
The Real World: Recognizing Mental Illness in Young Adults
MTV show finally explained

From ABC News:
Nearly 30 Percent of U.S. Workers Are Obese
Only the fat ones

From ABC News:
'Fockers' Beats Horror Flick at Box Office
Those Are Some Mean Fockers

From ABC News:
Woman Sues Gene Simmons Over VH1 Sex Talk
Not first time tongue has caused controversy

From CNN:
Study: Gene may be linked to arthritis
Ace linked to hearing loss, Paul linked to obesity, Peter linked to memory loss

From CNN:
Parents serve detention with tardy student
Dad Doesn't Mind: "Teacher Hot"

From CNN:
Julia Roberts buys land from Rumsfeld
Cheney's fears unfounded; not the property where the bodies are buried

From CNN:
Gingrich doesn't rule out presidential run
Waiting on voters to do that in New Hampshire

From CNN money:
Don't sweat Mister Softee
New Viagra Ad To Debut Next Week

From CNN money: may charge readers
Bad reporting, fake stories more expensive than once was

From CNN International:
U.N. 'outraged' by sex abuse
Also, Capt. Renault 'shocked, shocked' to find that gambling is going on inside Rick's

From BBC:
Heroes' story retold 90 years on
World War I Vets Just Won't Shut Up

From BBC:
Commodore finds new lease of life
Life without Lionel Ritchie, 23 years later

From BBC:
Star Wars voted top for effects
Awards committee finally sees film

From The New York Times:
Gene May Foil AIDS Virus, Study Finds
But First, Ace, Peter, Paul And He Must Save Santa

1 comment:

  1. wow! these are some of the best yet! must have found just the right combination of cold medication :)


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