Thursday, September 1, 2005

Covered Dish Supper: 9/1/2005

We're asking you again to supply supper this evening. Yes, it's another Open TrackBack post. If you'd like to talk about your thoughts on Hurricane Katrina, the rescue and recovery attempts, or anything else, you're invited in the comments.

Also, if you have an interesting post that you'd like to share, please leave a TrackBack to that post, and please link to this post so that others can enjoy the fun.

If you need help with TrackBacks, Harvey of Bad Example has an excellent primer here. And, if you really have some time to kill, check out more about TrackBacks than you ever wanted to know here.


  1. New Orleans - Update #4

    New Orleans is a mess.

    Waldo thinks that we should give up on New Orleans and move out. I tend to agree. Besides the fact that a city on the coast below sea level is untenable, you have the fact that the federal government (read: your taxpayer dolla...

  2. The Knucklehead of the Day award

    Today's winner is Palm Beach Post columnist Tom Blackburn.

  3. Hurricane Facts the Left Will Hate Almost As Much as They Hate Bush

    First: I’d like to take a moment to ask you, kind reader, to give whatever you can in support of the victims of Hurricane Katrina. United States of America is the world’s leading charitable nation, and it’s people are the most genero...

  4. Babies Feel No Pain, But Fish Do

    I have never had an abortion. I have never put a woman in a position to make such a decision. I will never have an abortion. So abortion is never on my radar. But I must say, those obsessed with this subject amuse me. Take the issue of whether babies f...

  5. Planned Parenthood: Opportunists in the Wake of Ka

    Did you escape the hurricane without your birth control?

    That benevolent organization, Planned Parenthood of Houston and Southeast Texas, is asking this question because they are offering one free cycle (one month) of birth control or one free Em...

  6. Blogging for Hurricane Katrina Relief...

    I'm getting a late start to my Hurricane Katrina: Blogging for Relief, but better late than never, right? Before I get into why I'm doing this, I'd like to thank Bear for setting up this wonderful project and for...

  7. The Face of evil

    CAIRO, Egypt - Al-Qaida's No. 2 made the terror group's first direct claim of responsibility for the July 7 bombings in London in a tape broadcast Thursday that also included a farewell warning to the West from a man identified as one of the four sui...

  8. Blogging for Relief: Bloggers

    In the last hour, the total for Blogging for Relief has reached $104,192. Amazing! The number of blogs participating has increased to 1,146. Contributions from nine countries have now reached 528. We'll check that total in another hour or...

  9. collegiate entertainment

    With blood and brain matter on the front seat, dashboard and windows, police in St. Paul started asking questions. Where is the victim? was a good question to ask. Police then found the owner of the car, Lance Hendrickson, at...

  10. Katrina Bloggin': Have You Donate?

    Hello you wonderful people dropping by. Have you donated to Katrina relief yet? Time to pony up, folks. We did our part for the tsunami, now it is time to do it for the victims of Hurricane Katrina. I have

  11. Labor Day Weekend

    Today's dose of NIF - News, Interesting & Funny ... Labor Day Weekend, and continued prayers for the victims of Katrina

  12. Labor Day Weekend

    Today's dose of NIF - News, Interesting & Funny ... Labor Day Weekend, and continued prayers for the victims of Katrina


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