Thursday, September 1, 2005

Headline News 2005-09-01

From ABC News:
Fats Domino Is Missing in New Orleans
Bush blamed

From ABC News:
Handcuffed Woman Shoots Officer's Gun
Officer's Gun transported to hosptial, treated and released

From ABC News:
Python Bites Calif. Boy in Bed
Michael Palin charged with assault

From ABC News:
Anti-rape condom aims to stop attacks
New "Beaver Trap 3000" hits market

From ABC News:
U.S. confirms its troops killed Reuters journalist in Iraq
Rumsfeld asks: "Do you now want to re-word that question?"

From ABC News:
Iraq carries out first post-Saddam hangings
Bush blamed

From ABC News:
Afghan Female Candidates Court Male Voters
Especially the cute ones

From ABC News:
Lebanon charges four pro-Syrians in Hariri killing
Amateur-Syrians still setting off roadside bombs in Iraq

From ABC News:
Confidence Begins to Sag
Gets new push-up bra

From ABC News:
Poll: Public Divided on Evolution
Evolution not too sure about half the public, either


  1. That anti-rape condom made me cringe and I'm a girl!

  2. Thursday

    The Skwib: Norse Pastafarianism -- an interview with its leader, Dr. Tundra Basil's Blog: Headline News Nose On Your Face: ACLU Sues Bush For 'Hurricanist' Remarks Scrappleface: Lack of Bush Eloquence Imperils Hurricane Victims Therapist: Think We May...

  3. Headlines for Friday 9/02/2005

    That's it for Headlines today. Remember to visit the usual suspects, basil, Moe, moehawk and The Capitalist for more headliney goodness!

  4. You wouldthink these scientists would actually come up with something useful and this is what they gives us.Good grief!

  5. Amateur Syrians...LOL!

    Good batch, usual



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