Wednesday, September 7, 2005

Supper: 9/7/2005

Try one of these specials with your supper:


  1. Sometimes You Need a Clinton

    There is no doubt in my mind that Bill Clinton would have handled this crisis better than George W. Bush. While it is true that the governor of Louisiana waited too long to call in the National Guard and the...

  2. Grama is ok and other thoughts

    And now that the shock and panic has subsided, anger is setting in. And here are some things that I am angry about...(you knew this was coming, right? Those of you with tender ears and constitutions might want to skip this part - there WILL be rough la...

  3. Grow Another Cat for Katrina

    This is the part where I steal RomeoCat's idea. When it comes to charity, plagiarism is the sincerest form of flattery.

  4. The Knucklehead of the Day award

    Today's winner is Lois Frankel.

  5. Those of you

    Ignorance irritates me.

    To no end.

  6. Those of you

    Ignorance irritates me.

    To no end.

  7. Paid In Full

    AP reports that a 90-year-old man walked into a US diplomatic office and handed over an envelope with 1,000 euros (about $1,240) for hurricane Katrina relief efforts.

  8. Faith and Legacy

    At a time when events in Iraq and in the US both lead some to uncertainty and doubt, and even perhaps a failing of resolve, I have looked for additional sources for inspiration and hope.


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