Monday, March 28, 2005

Headline News: 3/28/2005

From ABC News:
Bear Breaks Into Trailer Home in Alaska
Polar bears not only white, but white trash

From ABC News:
US Chief Justice Went to Hospital for Tube Problem
Since it's not a feeding tube, recent rulings don't apply

From ABC News:
Persistent Vegetative State vs. Minimally Conscious
How Howard Dean compared to Terry McCauliffe

From ABC News:
Shark Pickler Hirst Admits He's Had Silly Ideas
Silliest was pickling sharks

From ABC News:
'08 White House Race Draws Iowa's Interest
Iowans may finally care about an election; Candidates still don't care about Iowans

From CNN:
Patrick Kennedy considers taking on Chafee
Rhode Island may have to choose between a raving lunatic liberal, or a Kennedy

From BBC:
Beverly Hillbillies creator dies
Now it's time to say "Goodbye" to Paul from all his friends
We'd like to thank Paul Henning's crew for lettin' us drop in
We'll watch 'em all on TV Land and on Hallmark TV
And laugh at Jed and Granny and at Jethro and Ellie


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