- Pooklekufr: the Kafir Constitutionalist has a cow. Or two.
- Assumption of Command has thoughts on SVBIEDs.
- Confederate Yankee offer the Jeff Gannon Challenge.
- Something Old, Something New has a golf joke we missed earlier.
- The Nose On Your Face gets visitors. From here, even.
- The Meatriarchy made the papers. And is happy. And isn't happy.
- Sortapundit says "Bob's Your Uncle!"
- Vince Aut Morire talks about that flag.
- The Therapist has the search and capture of the Atlanta courthouse shooter.
- Red State Rant says the Atlanta shootings were bound to happen.
- Julie with a B has a pun that's a blast.
On a sad note, Gut Rumbles reports the sad news of a loss in the family. Our condolences.
Covered Dish Special:
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