- Red State Rant takes the Washington Post to task.
- Manic Viking has a Photoshop contest. [IMAGE WARNING]
- GOP and the City has a Caption/Photoshop contest.
- Confederate Yankee just wants a little honesty.
- phin's blog wants to know the difference between an ogre and a troll.
- Beth been shoppin'!
- Eyes On The Ball News reports on a name change.
- HundredPercenter has an interview with John Hawkins (Right Wing News).
- The Flying Space Monkey Chronicles needs suggestions.
- The Therapist says Michael Newdow may want equal time on the evening news.
- thebandwagon (blogging for Terri) has an update on Fla. HB 701.
- WuzzaDem goes Googling.
Covered Dish Special:
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