Friday, March 25, 2005

Breakfast 2005-03-25

Try one of these specials with your breakfast:


  1. once again, o blog-dad, thanks for the plug!

  2. gee-whiz, blog-dad! why am i so far down on the breakfast menu?

  3. ok, after reading all those above me, i understand.

  4. I usually start at the top of the BlogRoll and work my way down. If some seem related, I may rearrange to group them. Or may not. And, sometimes I take a section and work backwards. So, there's not always any rhyme or reason to why it is as it is.

  5. I had a really crappy frozen coffee drink from Dunkin Donuts this morning, so seeing my blog at the top of your list washes the taste of ball sweat right out of my mouth.

    Oh, and not only do I muse, but it's Free Music Friday as well.


  6. one question: how do you know what ball sweat tasts like?

  7. phin:
    Never, never ask a question that you really don't want the answer to.

  8. Hector Vex:
    Hey, glad I could just make your day!

  9. Phin, you ever kiss a girl after she had your balls in her mouth? That's what Ball sweat tastes like. It's not pleasant, but's it's sometimes neccessary...

  10. Greta:
    Thanks. I'll check it out.

  11. phin (via Hector Vex):
    You see what I mean?

  12. It's worse when she's tossing your salad after a raquetball game...

    What? Too much?

  13. WAYYYYYY TMI on that one Hector
    I think I'll go Clorox my brain now.

  14. So, what have we learned?

    Hector Vex: It's always best to shower first.

    phin: Be careful what you ask.

    Me: Moderated comments might be the way to go.

    Everyone else: Stop reading at the first sign of trouble.

  15. I am still working up to a post with me in it. . . not there yet ;)

  16. We're patient. We know it's worth the wait.

  17. Ah, the age-old dialogue:

    "That tastes like shit!"
    "How do you know what shit tastes like?!"

    I am always sure to select something that avoids the unpleasantries of the above comparisons, while at the same time arousing the interests of those daring enough to ask me how I would know such a thing. I say: "emu feathers."


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