Saturday, November 26, 2005

Brunch: 11/26/2005

Try one of these specials with your weekend brunch:


  1. 18263 Days

    According to stories told to me by my parents, I was born on the day of the Army-Navy Football Game (Via the Wikipedia I find that Army won 14-6). Dad reportedly brought Mom a copy of Sports Illustrated to help keep her occupied. The doctor asked Mom ...

  2. Profits, Yuk! How Evil!

    by DL
    Just as the "Grinch" story invariably comes around at Christmas time, this little gem seems to pop its delicious self up around Turkey Day (for obvious reasons). Read FrontPageMag's short piece "Giving Praise for the Free Market" by By M...

  3. Pillow Wars

    I had spent a lifetime trusting that somehow my country, like my pillow, would continue to provide me with faithful service and not let me down. Like my pillow, I realized my country isn't what it was when we first joined each other.


  4. Flash Action Comics

    I used to watch these action packed Cartoons every Saturday morning... This one has a sequel... (^__^) Cartoons...Now they're like, having a cup of coffee... (only, without the caffeine.)

  5. How to repair Pajamas Media ..... in fourteen easy steps.

    1) Use only the finest materials. 2) ) The Chinese National News Agency? 3) If one had a better product? 4) Some are suggesting it's to late to save it?

  6. Front Page News Sun Nov. 27th

    This is an Open Post in the fashion that has been so scrutinized as of late...


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