Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Covered Dish Supper: 11/23/2005

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  1. U.S. to end "catch and release" at Mexican border

    Under the new policy, all illegals caught will be transported to INS offices where they will be cleaned and gutted.

  2. The Turkey Has Landed

    by Bergbikr
    It is the practice of editors to print on this holiday writings of our pilgrim fathers describing their harsh lives but also expressing thanks for their survival. Standing out from these human sentiments that mark the observance of Thank...

  3. Beauty is as Beauty Does

    You can rent the girl on the Left You can't touch the Right GirlTom McMahon puts together the best 2X2 matrix you can get anywhere. (His meticulous GE business training serving us all.) And inspires my modest 1X2 block...


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