Saturday, November 19, 2005

Brunch: 11/19/2005

Try one of these specials with your weekend brunch:


  1. Weekend Open Post

    Send me your best stuff! Edit a post from the last week or so to include a link to this post (something like "Thanks to Choose Life" or "I'm linked at Choose Life"), and send a trackback. That's all there is to it!
    If you don't understa...

  2. Don’t Cry For Them, The Jordanians!

    “It was in Jordan, more than in any other Arab land, that Saddam Hussein was hailed as avenger and hero…” says Hopkins/SAIS Prof. Fouad Ajami.

  3. Saturday Mishmash #x—around and about

    Saturday was originally a day "someone" (not you, Mr. Big--you're cool, dude. :-) had me listed for an Open Trackbacks Post, and I did one last weekend, so if y'all wanna consider this an open post, feel free. See the instructions below my collecti...

  4. So Much For Evil Oil Companies

    You wouldn't know it by watching the Mainstream Media, but gas prices have been dropping like a stone over the past several weeks. Here in Prince William County, most of the stations in our area are either below $ 2.00/gallon for regular or very clos...

  5. Miriam Oliphant- You're getting what you deserved

    The woman was a joke, polls that closed early, opened late, misappropriation of taxpayer money, nepotism and many other abuses. Miriam Oliphant brought this fine upon herself. She was a disgrace when in office and failed the people of Broward County....

  6. A Military Mom needs our help and support!!

    A Military Mom has asked for people to please pray for the successful surgery of her son and his safe recovery.

  7. "Ding-bat" for some reason, thinks comments are at the bottom! Yes - the bottom - EVERYWHERE? (actually like this sytem better!) ANYWAY - Since being ripped off myself - the "cutesy" graphic attributed to Malkin is actually a LGF item!

  8. BUT - then again - maybe David Lunde sent it to everyone!

  9. Perhaps he did. All I know is that Michelle Malkin carries this little blog on her blogroll ... and Charles Johnson doesn't. So, if they carry the same item, guess which one I'm going to link?

  10. Prince Charles- The Master of the Obvious

    Despite the fact that this inbred has won life's lottery, he's become life's loser...

  11. Muslim workers at Australian Woolworth center att

    At least three Muslims working at a Woolworths center in Melbourne went and violently assaulted a cameraman and a reporter for the Herald Sun at a court hearing where nine suspects arrested in the police raid on al Qaeda operatives in Australia were ...

  12. Yes, Democrats Are Patriotic

    Yesterday, Don Surber posted an article about the patriotism issue. When the President called war critics "irresponsible", he was immediately accused of challenging the critics' patriotism. Don points out that the word "unpatriotic" was never used...

  13. The Expert On Inconsequential

    Bill Clinton -- President of the World according to Esquire magazine -- has pronounced the war on terrorism as "inconsequential."
    "We have become arrogant in the present. All of us. Osama bin Laden's arrogant in the present. I mean, he really thin...

  14. Look at those Monkey's go! And the smell! Flinging night soil everywhere!

  15. S.S. OSM Media ..... The weather started getting rough, the tiny ship was tossed ......

    Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale,
    a tale of a fateful trip.
    That started from this tropic port,

  16. WP Woodwardgate editorial spams red herrings

    With sharks circling around embattled Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward, the Post editorial board tried to distract its readers this morning with a few choice red herrings:

  17. RACIST: Who Me?

    I got called a racist again today.

  18. Throne For A Loss

    With a hat tip to the Drudge, I see where Prince Chuck is pissed about a leak. Specifically, the heir to a multi-billion-dollar empire is suing a Brit newspaper because it printed something from his private journal -- a journal so personal that he on...

  19. King of Spades Open Trackbacks II

    First of all, I need votes!!!! Please go vote for me, the Rottweiller has a HUGE headstart on me! I want a face card in this spades tournament!
    Why don’t you all share some of your stuff with us? Here is how it works. Edit a post to inclu...

  20. Justice for Immigrants vs. Justice for Citizens

    The one word which was uttered time and time again really stuck with me: justice. There was talk of fighting to make the promise of justice and equality for immigrants real. Joining together to fight for legalization and justice. Believing in justice. ...

  21. I'm learning to trackback -- just in case it doesn't work, here's my recent post on Jo's Cafe:

  22. Weekend Link Whorage Open Trackback Post Covered Fest Carnival Dish / WLWOTPCFCD

    First, the entertainment, because I just can’t bear to do a plain old open trackback post.

    Why Men Should Never Wear Thongs (sorta NSFW) (Thanks, Shano!)

    Safe For Work “porn”!

    Come, come, you talk greasily; your lip...

  23. Correction: Salvation Army CEO Salary

    UPDATE: The good people doing Good Works at the Salvation Army sent me the actual salary information for the top official. Major George E. Hood, the National Community Relations Secretary, from the National Headquarters tells me: Regarding the full com...

  24. Got Something to Say

    I've decided to open my blog to others. Not sure how many others, but at least one a day. (Without the vitamins)

  25. Blogger Debates

    I just had the idea of having "Blogger debates." So far, I think it would work like this:
    Two people with different opinions on an issue agree to debate during a certain time. They each write a new post on the issue, no matter if they have written...

  26. Saudi teacher persecuted for trying to set a posit

    This was reported a few days ago, but now, here's a posting that's mainly on what's just one of many utterly atrocious incidents going on in Saudi Arabia, past and present: a teacher was sentenced to three years in prison and, worse yet, 750 lashes ...

  27. Calling Right Wing Hackers/Phreakers

    Female blogger currently serving in Iraq finds her blog which honors fallen soldiers under attack by leftist trolls.


  28. So, like, your medication affects you really, really bad? Or did you just foget to take it?

  29. Sunday Open Trackbacks

    Sunday Open Trackbacks. Leave a trackback or comment on any topic.

    My trackback URL is:

  30. Sunday Night Open Trackback Carnage

    Since sometime we wanted to dedicate a day of the week to the open trackback, following the steps of the amazing Beth of My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy. But we were too lazy until now. We don't have to explain anything to our American friends, because...

  31. Guilty!

    This just makes my day. I felt that this is what would happen when the defense chose yesterday NOT to offer a closing arguement, and am so glad that my feelings were right. Now let's just hope that the punishment fits the crime and this monster gets...

  32. White House Rocked by New Iraq Accusations

    Three speakers made serious accusations that will surely require responses from Cabinet-level officials. Rally organizer and Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) revealed that thousands of suspected terrorists held in torture factories throughout Bulgari...

  33. So many thing their "investment" is enough to make it, so few will go.


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