They're ready to go.
The interview panel is ready to go ...
Let's go!
What is your objective?
My personal objective is to make my voice heard. My belief is that the Cotillion's objective is to make that voice multi-faceted, and LOUDER.
Stop trying to objectify me, you tool of the patriarchy! And it's not funny!
My own objective? Beats the hell out of me. I'm just a dancing monkey.
I guess you mean for my blog. While I enjoy it when people actually read and respond to my posts, I think, for me, it's more about getting my thoughts down in a coherent fashion. And rant about politics. And brag mercilessly about my kids.
My objective, at first, was just to post recipes, talk about food, and all things "lite." Well, that didn't last long. Now I think my objective is to bring attention to pedophiles, sex offenders, and other non-parents and criminals who seem to get treated better than their victims.
To make people, and especially women, understand that they are responsible for their own safety, and to make them realize the best way to defend yourself from attack is with a firearm.
Feeding the writer's monkey that lives on my back. Seriously, I have to write or I start talking to myself, out loud. My husband understands, but I get strange looks at the supermarket.
My goal? To keep myself writing and engaging in current affairs in a knowledgeable fashion.
My objective is to right all the wrongs in the world.. ;-)
World domination.
Do you think females bring something different to the blogosphere? Or is the blogosphere really genderless as a rule?
Do you think females bring something different to the blogosphere? Or is the blogosphere really genderless as a rule?
Dorothy L. Sayers wrote that asking for the "woman's take" on murder mysteries was like requesting the female point of view on equilateral triangles.
I'm tempted to say the same thing about blogging, but it isn't 100% true: women should have an equal say in how safe the next generation is going to be. And that would be true even if we didn't have a traditional connection to hearth and home. I own the future as much as any man does, which probably pisses off a lot of Islamo-fascists to no end. That, and the fact that I wear tank tops.
My persona happens to be especially "feminine"-demure, yet somehow potentially violent at the same time. People are disturbed by that, and intrigued. I'm often accused of "playing off my looks," but I just happen to use a sexy avatar: to see a real photo of me on the web, you'd have to know where to look. I'm not playing off of anything. And despite the "Miss" in my blog's title, I'm just as married as the Anchoress is. (The literal-minded out there think she's a nun, you know.)
I don't think it can be genderless. I think that the blogosphere has emboldened a lot of females to talk about their opinions in a more public way. Guys would always get into these major debates, and the girls would just gossip over coffee. Now, we can get our $.02 in without worrying about boring our friends (who couldn't care less about politics or the military or religious debate or... or... you get the idea).
Yes and no; it depends on the individual, just as in "real life." Some obviously use their gender to their advantage, but that's no different from the real world (and just as aggravating to me personally). Then again, there are male bloggers who make me retch because they obviously don't give a rat's ass if they have female READERS, and don't care what you have to say, they just come for the pictures. Case in point: as an experiment for myself, I switched out a picture in one of my Blogads at another site to replace it with a picture of me. Guess what-while I had almost no hits at all from the one with no picture, I got tons when I used it. I really, REALLY hate that shit-I want my crappy work to stand on its own. When I see male bloggers writing about "she looks (whatever)," I'm like, "do you even read the blog, or is that the only reason why you're there?" Is that all women are to you?
It makes me laugh that people comment on Joy's avatar (and my "Computer Geek" graphic)-it's a freakin' cartoon, people! WTF? I totally don't get it. I'll probably be flamed for my opinions on this (as Ilyka and others have been), but guess what-it's my opinion, and I really don't care if people don't like it. ;-P
I think the blogosphere is fairly genderless, but that female bloggers bring a sense of balance. The men think this is all a big giant pissing contest: the women add a more emotional edge to it, and a great deal of the intelligence. According to men, though we are just a bunch of girls who put our pictures onto the internet to grab a husband. You think I joke.
Eh, I think there are distinct differences and in most cases it is a good thing - balance to the blogosphere, so to speak. If God didn't think there was a difference between males and females, he may have just stopped at Adam. But he needed to improve on the first model...heheheheh. But honestly, there is something nice about anonymity that can, and sometimes *does* allow the blogosphere to be genderless to a degree.
Women have the ability to stop and ask for directions when they are lost, where as men just wander around aimlessly hoping to find their way.
We cannot help but bring our own perspectives, through the lens of our gender, just as males do. In free communication between us, we can find our similarities and appreciate our differences (damn, did I sound awfully Spock-like on that one?)
Well, in the sense that anyone of either sex can participate, sure. However, I agree with the Ladies of the Cotillion that women have their own style, which tends to be more personal and relationship-oriented. But I generally have a pretty even balance on my blogroll (I think), and basically I look for good writers FIRST.
I think females bring a WHOLE LOT of something different to the blogsphere. I think we add emotion and passion that most men simply don't have.
I think that the net is fairly genderless, but that female bloggers do tend to post more personal stuff than the men do. It's our nature.
What illegal drugs do you think should be legal?
Vioxx should be legal.
Tylenol Three should be legal.
I think pot should be legal (although I have never tried it).
No. Just no. But I confess to a softer attitude towards Tylenol 3, now that E.M.'s mentioned it.
Being a bit more libertarian (little l) I'm not that thrilled with the Drug Wars, but I also see a need for regulation. I'd like to see marijuana decriminalized.
I'm no libertarian, but I'm definitely for the decriminalization of marijuana. Extended thoughts on that here, if you care.
None. But they need to make an over-the-counter Advil that is the equivalent of three, since I use 3 every time I have a headache!
My first thought is 'none', but I do think that medicinal use of marijuana needs to be looked into a lot more.
Let's start with Mary Jane and work our way up from there. Or down.
Since I missed out on being named King of Cotillion, you know by being unable to follow instructions and submit a picture, would y'all consider an alternative title of "The Cotillion's Official Prince Charming?"
Yeah, sure. We might do it again; it was fun. You'll be our first nominee. ;-)
Certainly, Phin, but I'd need to pass that title to my honey over at Vince Aut Morire!
How would you feel about Court Jester? (Hey, I was going to suggest village idiot.)
What? We don't get a court jester?
Prince Charming? Sure. What's in it for me? ;-)
I would not consider an alternative title to King of the Cotillion. I would suggest someone get a digital camera and get busy.
Not my call, but I'm not completely opposed to it.
So ... what are you wearing?
Jeans and a t-shirt... sorry to be so boring
I'm wearing pajamas. They are Hello Kitty pajamas.
Old sweats and a tiara.
Several ounces of Tanqueray, which I've started dribbling down my oversized T-shirt as I swill it right out of the green bottle. Socks, a pair of sweat pants, and hair that hasn't been washed in days. So . . . do you think I'm sexy? Don't be shy.
Um, yeah. Well, okay. I'm wearing my new SpongeBob Squarepants Christmas sleep pants and shirt. What?!? You got a problem with that?
I'm wearing a towel.
6 inch patent stilettos and a saucy smile.
Kids aren't home.... so nothing. Heh.
Well, I'm currently at Mom and Dad's so I'm in a t-shirt and slouchy pants. But usually I'm simply snuggled in a quilt. *Just* a quilt. My husband loves that....
I am wearing jeans, t-shirt, and a smile.
This is less a question, and more a comment: I haven't yet got around to hitting on all of you yet, I've been busy as of late. But never fear, I'll get to you all soon.
I have not been hit on by basil and...That hurts.
Well, if you hit on me, I'll be flattered - but it won't get you a date...
No fear here, but don't expect even a base hit.
Good luck with that.
And to think this is the guy who I have co-writing at MVRWC. :sigh: Pig! Chat whore! (He knows I'm kidding. Sorta.) ;-)
Our husbands will be so thrilled. Unfortunately for you, they're also armed.
How do you handle writer's block?
I imagine my mushy-minded liberal friends are sitting across the dining room from me, and I just type out what I would say if I didn't need to get along with them some of the time.
When I find the answer, I'll let you know-I have writer's block (aka laziness) every day. Other than that, it's usually a nap. If I'm not lazy, I let BEULAH MAE!!!! handle it or a I do a link dump (thanks to Stumble and the feed reader).
Do news round-ups... cute posts about my kids... uh... don't check my blog right now, ok?
Two words. LINKY LOVE.
Search the news for topics I am usually interested in, and then read the London Telegraph.
Run in circles, scream and shout. :-) The gym or the spa or gardening. Any physical activity that I have to concentrate on. Very cleansing, and lets the "boys in the basement" (as I call my writer's muse) have a break and work on things. Amazing what comes to me later.
I'll take a break for a day or two and post on something totally frivolous or focus on something that has nothing to do with National/World news. CatBlogging! QuiltBlogging! Well, and I'll go swill wine and watch movies as well.
I never have writers block. Cooking block yes, writers block, no.
I don't handle writers block. That's when I pick something random and lash out at it without trying to stop the flow of words from my brain to my fingers. Some of my best stuff comes out of that.
I handle writers block by drinking and writing the nonsense that come out after a bender. I love you guys, man.
Drink and cry and sit down for a Spongebob marathon - He always manages to loosen the bolts.
What is it the Cotillion hopes to accomplish?
Simply to increase visibility of women bloggers (including non-Cotillion members), in hopes that we don't have to endure the semi-annual "where are all the women bloggers" stupidity. Looking for women bloggers? Now you can find a whole bunch of us in one place (if you don't have us on your blogrolls, and that's your loss), and most of us have many other female bloggers blogrolled at our own sites. ALSO to let certain people see that we do actually have something to say, as opposed to something to look at.
I think The Cotillion hopes to accomplish giving a bigger voice to conservative women.
The Cotillion hopes to promote recognition of conservative women bloggers from many walks of life and with many styles of writing. That, and having lots of snarky fun. Oh, and chatting and joking amongst ourselves. Clue-batting moronic loony liberals. Ranting at the idiocy of bureaucrats and politicians. Dismissing Kool-Aid drinkers (with Eeeeeeevil® intent, of course!)... Shall I go on?
A clear demonstration that "Conservative Women" are NOT Stepford wives.
For me, I wanted the chance to get to know some of the best writers in the blogosphere. I think hearing collective voices on similar sides of an issue will always get the word out much better. It is also an opportunity to get opinions and insight into issues I'm less familiar with. Talk about an amazing bunch of women!
Show that conservative chicks aren't mind-numbed robots.
You know: world conquest, and the abolition of white shoes after Labor Day.
Who are your favorite singers?
Frank Sinatra-none other.
Most of my favorite singers are dead. Elvis, Frank, Dino. And Melissa Etheridge, who tried to be dead, but looks like she's doing okay.
Sarah Brightman. My favorite band? The 88 with a short stop at TKO, a little bit of Beulah, and some Death Cab for Cutie thrown in for when Im really depressed. I worship Paul McCartney.
My favorite singers are Ted Nugent, Kenny Chesney, and Alan Jackson.
Little River Band (ca. 70's - 80's), Kenny Chesney, Tim McGraw, Randy Travis, Michelle Tumes, Enya, Sinatra, Michael W. Smith, Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir, Glenn Miller big band singers...very fine a capella... (I'd better stop - I could go on forever...)
Oh, geez. Depends on my mood.
Amy Ray and Emily Saliers (The Indigo Girls), Melissa Etheridge
I can listen to most anything, truly, with the exception of rap and I can only take so much country. My favorites? I like Enya when I'm at work or trying to keep mellow. I like Metallica, Evanescence, Creed and Godsmack when I need to get revved up. But my heart will always be with top 40 from the 80s. My favorite back then...Duran Duran!
Scott Leger from WideAwake, Toby Keith, Eddie Montgomery
Can't live without: the Stones, Pink Floyd, The Orb, Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, Danzig, Slayer, OLD Metallica, when they didn't suck. Other than that, I'd have to write a book to list other favorites-I like most kinds of music, except for most country, most rap, and all top-40/pop sh*t.
Freddie Mercury: just because I'm a right-winger doesn't mean I don't enjoy a good falsetto.
What are your opinions on females in combat?
I believe this is up to the military, and not to be determined by civilians. However, the line between combat and REMF is getting blurrier by the day. Women are helping to combat the Jihadis, and I couldn't be happier about that.
There are very few women who have the physical ability to perform many ground combat duties. The minimum requirements for duty should not be relaxed for women. If they can pass the test, then...why not? (But, I don't think there are many who can pass without the rules being relaxed). In a perfect world, women wouldn't need to worry about being in the military. Well... in my perfect world, that is...
In the interest of brevity, I'll just say I pretty much stated my opinion in comments at Jack Yoest's (Charmaine's husband) piece here. It's complicated; the mission ALWAYS comes first, period. That said, it's almost a moot point nowadays.
Anyone who can physically do the job, should be able to get the job - No altered standards, no double standards.
I see no reason why NOT.
Not really happy about it, but if they want to and they can to the job WITH NO MODIFICATIONS... well, OK.
I don't think women should be in the front lines of combat. Period.
As long as they can physically measure up to the tests, there's no reason they should be excluded. But I don't believe in 'feminizing' the admission requirements.
Which one of you is the cutest?
I TOLD you I am the cutest. The most modest, too.
Em IS the cutest.
It is hard to say who is cutest since some don't have pictures. But I am
partial to Stacy at NotADesperateHousewife.
I'm not cute, but I am beautiful (I've got it on the 2 highest authorities: my husband, and my daddy).
I am (for my age)...
The Other Beth?
The Other Beth!
Juliette, but she won't admit it. And Darleen looks way too young to be a grandmother by any means: I suspect she's made up this grandma business to keep unwanted male attention at bay.
Who is the one blogger you'd like to have drinks or coffee with, you know, besides basil and myself?
Most of them. Okay: Goldstein, Joyner, Reynolds. Venomous Kate over in Hawaii.
Misha (and the other guys from the Rott)
Besides my honey, since I can get coffee with him every day if I want, I would love to have a cup of coffee with Beth. And then I'd like to see what she does if the server doesn't bring her the coffee on time. LOL
Merri and her dorky husband. :) But I'd rather have drinks than coffee! I like The Other Beth's answer, too-hanging out with the (Rott) Empire and Loyal Citizenry, with Merri and Eric there too. And of course, "coffee" (Irish?) with the others in Cotillion. IOW, a party-not just one.
Does James Lileks count? I'm in awe of his writing and would love to swap kid stories and yak about everything with him.
Oh, Raven - DEFINITELY! (Hey, girlfriend!)
I would like to have drinks with Jeff at Protein Wisdom.
I'd want to have coffee with Michelle Malkin.
If you had a favorite blog written by a space monkey, what blog would it be?
Hmmm...there are blogs by Spacemonkeys? ;-) I can't believe nobody else answered this, Spacemonkey. We need to work on that. Answer: IMAO. (Just kidding, of course.)
Who are you favorite authors?
Ayn Rand, Victor Hugo, Dostoyevsky
Salman Rushdie, Rohinton Mistry, Jhumpa Lahiri (I love foreign writers-and films), and most of all, P.J. O'Rourke. I've also read a ton of Anne Rice.
My favorite authors are also dead.
My favorite author is Ann Tyler.
Heinlein, Tom Clancy, David Weber, Elizabeth Moon and--shhhh! brain candy stuff--J. D. Robb, Iris Johansen, Linda Howard, Diana Palmer... (Shut UP! I sometimes need a total break from reality. Deal! LOL)
Ayn Rand and Robert Heinlein.
Marion Zimmer Bradley, Elizabeth Moon and Lois McMaster Bujold because they have always have strong women characters
I love Ann Rule. But then again, I like to read about true crime (mostly the part when the criminal is caught and justice gets effectively and fairly served).
David Eddings, Christine Feehan
Where does the Cotillion see itself in 3, 5 years (or should that be months).
I can only speak for myself, and I know everyone's going to get mad at me-but I imagine myself on a chaise lounge being fed grapes by formerly sexist Middle Eastern men who've now seen the light and long only to serve me.
I imagine we will still be fending off the question of "Where are all the conservative women bloggers?"
As read and cited as much as other collaborative blogs such as Powerlineblog or Wizbang.
Well, ruling the world of course! Duh!
In five years The Cotillion will be world renown.
What's your favorite musical instrument to play? Or that you wish you could play?
I wish I could play the bagpipes.
I don't covet musical talent, but I would like to be able to shoot the eyes out of a squirrel at 50 yards.
I can play the drums. Fairly well. I was in a rock band once. Occasionally, I am still in a rock band.
My favorite musical instrument is the piano. I wish I could play.
Don't play a musical instrument (do piano lessons years ago count?), but I do wish I had a fantastic singing voice. I have to accept that it's only a mediocre alto... *sigh*
I learned to play the guitar, but wish I had taken piano lessons. All my daughters have played in school bands since grade school and they all took piano at least for a year (my oldest for 4 years). I think music is a very important part of a well rounded education.
I wish I had never given up music. Years of piano lessons wasted.
I played French Horn in the orchestra. I wish I hadn't have given that up. I was pretty damn good. I would love to learn how to play guitar.
The only instrument I can play is the piano. I wish I could play the electric bass.
In a parallel universe, I would be a rock star, maybe like Lita Ford. (Shut up, Sadie!) Unfortunately, I have no musical training whatsoever.
If stranded on a deserted island with Micheal Moore and Susan Estrich which one would you dispose of first?
Moore-no real edible meat, though the fatty tissue could be a good source of calories. And I think Estrich would be a great hunting partner--she's clearly got terrific killer instincts. We just couldn't talk politics, or she'd die of acute spear-through-the-heart. Oopsie.
Moore. We can use his blubber for lamp fuel for years.
I would use Susan Estrich as a harpoon to impale Michael Moore. Done!
You shouldn't even joke about things like that. You should only use lethal force in self-defense.
Moore, properly rendered and jerked, would provide excellent food for months.
OK, that's gross, Darleen! But yeah, Moore goes first. It's a no-brainer.
Michael Moore. I'd kill MM first because SE could help me bury the bloated whale...
If stranded on an Island I would dispose of Michael Moore first for sure!! If I didn't, he would eat all the food the first day!
I'd wait until Michael Moore smelled food and then I'd kill him. I'd leave Susan Estrich until I ran out of an interest in arguing about the current definition of feminism, or until she named me as the sole member of the Patriarchy on that particular deserted island. Either way, both are going.
Do you see yourselves as "girl power" kind of women, or do you think women should have a more supportive role in the military?
I don't know if "supportive role" is the right term for what I feel women in the military should be. I think having women officers and women commanders are good. Women can be as strategic and lead as well as men. I just have a hard time with front line combat. Capture is my main concern. Rape is just too horrible a price to pay.
basil, darling - I *had* a supportive role in the military: Beloved Husband retired from the Navy this year. "Navy wife: the toughest job in the Navy." Beloved Husband enthusiastically endorses the job review, and adds he couldn't have done it without me. I wouldn't have done it for a lesser man (back atcha, Darling Man!).
"Girl power" was something I did in Jr high. As a woman I expect others to assess my talents on an individual basis with little regard to gender.
I don't think the two are mutually exclusive at all. I'll second Darleen's answer.
No opinion, as long as the Joint Chiefs are reporting to President Rice.
Would you fix me a sandwich?
Don't make me hurt you!
Oh, how dreadful; you've been injured. That's awful. And what a shame that I'm too busy to help you in your hour of need.
Nope, and bring me one while you're at it. With a diet coke; thanks! And make it snappy.
Fix your own damn sandwich!
Why? Is your sammich broken?
Make love, not sandwiches.
As long as you make the tea.
On white or Rye?
Sandwiches are boring. But I have a pot of super hot chili on the stove...
Sure. I make a mean corned beef and provolone on thick toast with a special stone ground mustard sauce, grilled with an egg wash. With steak fries and a pickle.
Nah, but could whip up a nice encrusted prime rib, potatoes gratin, and some homegrown green beans with shallot and bacon. Who needs a sandwich?
Oh my goodness! That was a wild ride! And lots of fun.
Thanks, ladies, for being gentle with us.
Next weekend, two more interviews that promise to be loads of fun. We have of Steel from The Steel Deal and Oddybobo from ... Oddybobo.
Partying With the Girls
ReplyDeleteCome on over and join the party–a bunch of us Cotillion chickies are over at basil’s blog! You don’t want to miss it!
An Interview With The Ladies Of The Cotillion
ReplyDeleteBasil has posted an interview he put together with some of the ladies of The Cotillion. It's such fun, please be sure to go over and read it. It will give you an idea of what a mix our...
Bravo ladies! A wonderful and witty job!
ReplyDeleteA big thank you to Basil for putting this together and Beth for coordinating the whole thing. It turned out just great.
The Cotillion's Basil Interview
ReplyDeleteSo you wonder what goes around in the minds of women, but don't want to read about it in People Magazine? I have just the place for you! Basil's Blog interviewed a number of us ladies from The Cotillion, myself
It is a great interview. Lita Ford. Heh.
ReplyDeleteFabulous and brilliant. What else would I expect from this group of snarky bloggers. As I am too damn lazy to deal with cotillion stuff at this point (thanks for the offer Beth)- I consider myself "A bitchy cotillion lazy ass wanabee cotillion who likes to suck off their fame."
ReplyDelete8-3, no sandwiches. Damn, just damn. And women can have blogs, too?
ReplyDeletebasil interviews the Cotillion!
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm sure each and every one of you will go over and read it: we're a wild and crazy bunch! basil, I'm sure is prostrate with exhaustion after the mass-interview... For long time readers of CHC, I'm sure you'll
The Debs under glass
ReplyDeleteThe Debutantes of the Cotillion were collectively interviewed by a group of inquisitors at Basil's Blog. So, like a gaggle of second-rate movie stars, we doned our vanity and righteous indignation to answer a few questions about what makes us
Who said all Conservative women
ReplyDeletethink alike?? Check out Basil's Interview with a pride of lionesses....
Thanks again, Basil. That was a lot of fun.
ReplyDeleteBasil’s Blog Interviews
ReplyDeleteBasil has been busy interviewing various bloggers. This week it was The Cotillion. So if you want to find out more about the ladies of the Cotillion skip on over to Basil’s Blog to read the full skuttlebutt.
Wonderful job ladies but then again I had no doubt you'd shine with the interview.
ReplyDeleteBelles of the Ball
ReplyDeleteThere's an interview of the Cotillion Babes over at Basil's Blog. It's like a puzzle, of course: you get to try to guess which Bloggin' Babe goes with which image. And of course we're all as witty as can be....
[...] Come on over and join the party–a bunch of us Cotillion chickies are over at basil’s blog! You don’t want to miss it! [...]
ReplyDeleteGreat job, Basil! One question... who told you my childhood nickname? I must hunt them down and put a stake through his or her heart!
ReplyDeleteThanks to all the ladies for interview and for their comments.
ReplyDeleteThe Other Beth:
Where did I learn your childhood nickname? You will hunt them down? Well, don't do that. Be nice. Besides, I'll never tell. But here's a clue.
Awesome. Simply awesome!
ReplyDeleteImportant Enough to Plug Twice!
ReplyDeleteRead the interview with the Women of the Cotillion over at Basil's Blog. We very clearly spell out our plans for world domination, there, and five years from now you'll wish you'd read it so you might have seen the...
Basil- drat! I forgot I put that there!!!!
ReplyDeleteMake Love, Not Sandwiches
ReplyDeleteI've been voted the "cutest." Where were they in high school? But at least they aren't jealous.
Gray Tie Cotillion
ReplyDeleteNot white-tie, not black-tie, GRAY TIE. That’s where this week’s Cotillion is being hosted! Here’s a sample of why I heart Carol:
I'm hosting this week's ball. I'm not going to mess around with some fancy smancy introduction....
HA! I thought you were psychotic, basil!
ReplyDeleteI mean psychic! Yeah, psychic!
Right on both accounts!
ReplyDeleteHey! That turned out rather funny, didn't it?
ReplyDeleteThanks! I am taking a small break from blogging, but I will link this when I get back.
We (including all of us that lurk at your blog but don't comment) will miss you.