Sunday, January 22, 2006

Open Post 01-22-2006

Unforseen events are not allowing me the time to peruse the blogroll this morning. Perhaps we'll be able to cover those later (tomorrow, perhaps). But today's busy with other stuff.

So, if have something you'd like to talk about, leave a comment. Or, if you have an interesting post that you'd like to share, please leave a TrackBack to that post, and please link to this post so that others can enjoy the fun.

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  1. Thespis Journal Presents Posts of the Week...

    What a week! Moon-Bat Monday (Aka Martin Luther King Day, 2006) provided an unlimted number of posts and columns from which to select. We hope you enjoy all of the wonderful reading. Use this reading list to accompany your Sunday brunch and all of your...

  2. Go Tally Me A Banana...

    The guy was an entertainer and had a great voice, but now he's using it for evil. When you cavort with the likes of Hugo Chavez but complain about the US, there's something quite wrong with your worldview....

  3. The Knuckleheads of the Day award...

    Go to The McHenry Community High School District 156 school board and Principal David Moyer....

  4. Give Me One Ping. One Ping Only...

    And like that, A Blog For All turns one year old....

  5. SpongeBob would say:

    "I'm ready!"

  6. Bye Bye The West Wing...

    Another thing was the stupid errors, started on the first show when one character talks about an 18 month old L-1011 when those planes haven't been made in 20 years. Oh and North Korea is a tropical rain forest in February.

    It didn't stop me from ...

  7. Reform Government: Pay Congress More...

    In the light of the Abramoff scandal, there are many calls for reform. However, rather than making things better, it will as many past reforms have done, make things worse.

    Take for example, the John McCain and the Campaign Finance Reformers told u...

  8. The Parents of Teenagers Relief Act...

    Here I tend to agree with him. I'd go along with a change in the driving age in Florida. While the accident rates are troubling, I don't know if that would change with addition of an extra year. 17 is as arbitrary as 16 was.

    What my supports stems...

  9. Kinsley Is Not Infallible on Stare Decisis...

    Stare decisis is not infallible, just stubborn in allowing change. It is hardly in the category of unchangeable, immutable doctrine, defined as such by the church with the assurances of God.



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