Sunday, January 1, 2006

Picnic 01-01-2006

Items I found while perusing my blogroll:


  1. Welcome to 2006...

    Well, I did manage to watch the ball drop, but not much afterward. And here I am, back at the keyboard on this first day of 2006.
    2005 brought 16,575 visits to this site, a number I would like to see skyrocket in 2006. I just don't think I'll be m...

  2. Best of Bacon Bits 2005...

    Since this whole blogosphere thing is mostly about wanting to be seen, here are some posts from over the past seven months of TMH’s Bacon Bits of which I, as site owner and editor, am particularly proud.


  3. Syriana, Memoirs of a Geisha, The Producers, Narni...

    Dear Wife and I have done quite a bit of movie going lately. Here are some movie comments. I am using the 1-4 star(* is a star) scale....

  4. The ACLU's Conglomeration of Contradictions...

    Why doesn't the ACLU just come out and say that their goal is to undermine national security and enable the Islamofascist terrorists to destroy the Evil Satan America? They would look less moronic and self-contradictory if they were simply honest....

  5. Visa controversy? No overdue...

    But this new policy is right. The US has turned a blind eye towards corruption for too long. Thinking we needed to show our support towards the regimes in power. This change is just another step by the Bush administration to bolster and support democ.....

  6. Twelve years...

    Last Friday marked twelve years since I was originally diagnosed with Malignant melanoma. If you don't know, MM is the deadliest skin cancer....

  7. Deep Fried Dipwad...

    Just remember... No Choking the Chicken!...

  8. Pumpkin Roll Patrol...

    The problem was pumpkin rolls. Mary Miller, wife of Leroy Miller, discovered the hard way that West Virginia's infamous Pumpkin Roll Police....


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