Friday, January 6, 2006

Picnic 01-06-2006

Items I found while perusing my blogroll. First, two of whom you can still ask your interview questions until this weekend:
  • Jack Yoest looks at this weekend's Justice Sunday III
  • Charmaine Yoest is listed on Concerned Women for America's end-of-year Evangelical Women of the Year 2005

Other items of interest:


  1. More Delays for Alito?...

    The left's policy on Presidential nominees is quite simple:
    1) (Prior to Presidential announcement) - "We expect the President to nominate a consensus candidate" with consensus meaning a candidate that only a far left President would nominate.

  2. Bigger-Better-Faster-More...

    Today's dose of NIF - News, Interesting & Funny ... limited blogation weekend starting (+ Open Trackbacks)...

  3. I hope she never teaches her children how to drive...

    Striking a person with a car is a dangerous act, and if what is reported is true, Elizabeth Morrison needs a lesson from our justice system. I'm not talking about one in safe driving either....

  4. Watergate in Reverse?...

    Could it be that the NYT leak debacle has the potential to, if not bring down the MSM, then at least humble the liberal press into a pre-Watergate mentality of “just reporting the facts, M’am?”


  5. PUNishing Work and Friday Open Post...

    PUNishing Work
    My first job was working in an orange juice factory, but I got canned.I couldn't concentrate. In fact, the union squeezed me out. They saidthey'd beat me to a pulp if I tried to return. Told me I was fruity....

  6. How ironic...

    I have to wonder what planet Mr. Ho was on for 2005....

  7. Thanks for linking to one of life's simple pleasures!

    (BTW, the stuff's so high up on my favs list of simple pleasures, I sometimes make a pot of rice for this use alone. heh)

  8. Malaysia, A Warning to the West...

    Malaysia has tried to placate the Islamists only to find themselves on the defensive against a effort to bring the whole country under the sway of fundamentalist Islam. Tiptoeing around the obvious has bought them only more trouble. It is a warning t.....

  9. The Knucklehead of the Day award...

    Today's winner is Reverend Pat Robertson....

  10. Wolf Blitzer conquers Jerusalem....

    Seen here in Atlanta, at CNN headquarters, just prior to his departure for the airport, late Wednesday. (And) His world famous news program .... Now known by it's manly man name.

  11. Circling the Wagons, The Iranian Threat, and Sharo...

    The fear is that with no successor groomed for taking over, Kadima will fail. Too many Israelis think that Sharon was on to something to give up on the idea and someone will take the mantle of leadership...My gut feeling is that it will be Olmert or .....


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