Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Picnic 01-11-2006

Items I found while perusing my blogroll.
These are being interviewed soon; questions close this week. Get your questions in now:
  • Sortapundit faces an addiction
  • sticks (From Chaos to Serendipity) is getting back to normal
  • More interviews information is available here.


  1. What Are the First Two Actions a New (Female) Manager Must Take?...

    Kay Coles James Former Director of OPMMen and women are different, inspite of what feminists preach. And women must manage differently. Here's how to start. Years ago I talked with Kay Coles James, who would eventually head the Office......

  2. Best Point...

    The best point made, in my opinion, was in this exchange with Sen. Schumer.
    SCHUMER: Does the Constitution protect the right to free speech?
    ALITO: Certainly it does. That's in the First Amendment.
    SCHUMER: So why can't you answer the question of...

  3. Biased Reporting At The Wall Street Journal...

    Have you had time to forget the firestorm of criticism directed at The National Education Association prompted by The Wall Street Journal last week? Can you imagine the mainstream media getting a story so wrong that they have to retract their original ...

  4. The Knuckleheads of the Day award...

    Today's winners are author James Frey and his publisher, Dobuleday....

  5. Should Alito Run from Roe?...

    How best to avoid Ted Kennedy’s messier version of Morning in America? I’m thinking: run (for now).


  6. Schumer No Match for Alito...

    I'd like to ask Judge Alito a question. How does Chuck Schumer's lunch taste?...

  7. Dear Crabby Column (1.11.06)...

    Dear Crabby, Did you hear that Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are expecting a baby? Isn't that exciting? Also, what do you think of the Lindsay Lohan vs Vanity Fair flap? Signed, Interested in Hollywood Life. Dear Get a Life......

  8. NAFTA Reloaded...

    It was all the rage ten years ago. Now we're talking about doing it again with CAFTA, yet I don't really hear anybody asking how NAFTA worked out....

  9. Thanks for the PSYCHOanalysis Mr. Zhirinovsky...

    Vladimir Zhirinovsky, the leader of the Liberal Democratic party of Russia recently gave his opinion on US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. That Sec. Rice needs more sex!...

  10. Dems Abort Their Opportunity With Alito ...

    The Alito hearings illuminate the paucity of fresh ideas from liberals. It is all about abortion. Queue "The Spam Song"
    Abort. Abort. Abort. Abort. Abort. Abort. Abort. Abort.
    I have never had an abortion. I never will have an abortion. Look at my pi...

  11. It Leaves The Comments On The Blog...

    Here and now, my new and exciting comment policy:...

  12. @#%^! at the Six O'Clock News...

    You'd feel the same if you ever had your own flesh and blood die you pair of ignorant insensitve nitwits....

  13. Demand?...

    Boss, Boss, de plane, de plane! Welcome to this edition of "Fantasy Island."...

  14. I'm baaaack....

    The Senate has confirmed Judge Sam Alito to the Supreme Court. No - wait - they haven't? I read Monday's and Tuesday's transcripts of the confirmation hearings and the senators on the Judiciary Committee were doing so much bloviating and self-congrt...

  15. Mock Religion, Make Money? ...

    I usually ignore e-mails and faxes from the American Family Association. Its boycott of a TV show, "The Book Of Daniel" on NBC, does raise a profound question: Why is a show that mocks religion on the air?...

  16. Alito 'The Untouchable'...

    The Political Teen has the video of the incident, and Michelle has more on the Dems' disgusting behaviour, as well as the transcript......

  17. Sharon Is Out And Hamas Is Still Out...

    Can Hamas be converted to a mainstream political party and undergo the same political evolution as Sinn Fein, Ireland's political wing of the Irish Republican Army (IRA)? Hardly.......

  18. Happy Sunburn day?...

    Today the Florida Masochist turned 45,for those of you
    who don't read him you should.


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